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Five Dead in Mass Shooting at Bank Near Louisville Slugger Field

At least 4 killed in shooting in Louisville, Kentucky

In the aftermath of this shooting, Louisville mayor Craig Greenberg took the stand to address the nation. It just so happens that one of the victims is allegedly a friend of his. The phrase “gun violence” was repeated many, many times throughout this speech.

The shooting occurred directly across the street from Louisville Slugger Field, a Minor League Baseball stadium that plays host to the Louisville Bats. Its address is 401 Main Street, which stood out given that today’s date is 4/10, which contains the same three digits. Also consider that April Fool’s Day is 4/01. In this shooting, 4 people plus the 1 shooter died.

Greenberg became the Louisville mayor 134 days after his birthday:

The Louisville mayor is 134 days before his birthday:

"Louisville" = 134 (Reverse)

Due to the Louisville bank shooting, residents have been told to stay away from Slugger Field for the rest of the day.

"Louisville bank shooting" = 100 (Reduction)

"Slugger" = 100 (Reverse)

Today’s event falls on the 100th day of the year:

Craig = 100 and Greenberg = 231

Craig Greenberg is 231 days (or exactly 33 weeks) after his birthday:

It’s believed that the highest degree in Scottish Rite Masonry is the 33rd.

Masonry, Police, Secrecy, Order, and False Flag all = 33

Just two weeks ago, there was another mass shooting in nearby Nashville when 3 adults and 3 children were reportedly killed at 33 Burton Hills Blvd.

"Eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

Both Louisville and Nashville are in close proximity to the intersection of the two Great American Eclipses:

Louisville Slugger and Mayor Greenberg both = 225 and 81, Greenberg = 81

In Ordinal, Freemasonry has a value of 139, like Gun control.

"Freemasonry" = 139 (Ordinal)

"Gun control" = 139 (Ordinal)

Craig Greenberg was exactly 1390 weeks old (and 234 days after his birthday) when Louisville Slugger Field opened:

"Louisville Slugger" = 234 (Reverse)

Greenberg was born on the 234th day of the year:

Today is 234 days after the release of Madden 23:

"Madden" = 23 (Reduction)

John Madden / Joe Maddon

See my next post to see how today’s shooting is a riddle connected to famous sports coaches John Madden and Joe Maddon. This all went down the morning after Easter.

"Easter" = 23 (Reduction)

Wednesday marks Slugger Field’s 23rd anniversary after its opening in 2000. Curiously, Old National Bank, the site of this morning’s shooting, was valued at $23.0 billion in 2020.

The 23rd Prime number is 83

The shooting began at 8:30:Louisville police said calls came in for an “active aggressor” at 8:30 a.m. ET at the Old National Bank.

"Craig Greenberg" = 83 (Reduction)

Craig Greenberg became the mayor at 18030 days of age, which was 8300 days after Louisville Slugger Field opened:

Louisville Slugger bats are made by a company named Hillerich & Bradsby. The bank shooter was named Connor.

"Hillerich Bradsby" = 83 (Reduction)

"Connor" = 83 (Reverse)

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse)

Joe Maddon has Primary birth numerology of 83:(2) + (8) + (19) + (54) = 83

Joe Maddon turned 830 months old this past weekend:

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