Famous Boxing Referee Mills Lane Dies @ 85
Today is the 6th of December, which can be written as 6/12. In the King James Bible, there’s one verse which alludes to both a solar and lunar eclipse – Revelation 6:12:
Last month, we had a Total lunar eclipse from Saros series # 136.
367 is the 73rd Prime number
317 is the 66th Prime number
33 / 666 Coding
Mills died in Reno, Nevada on 12/6. This date breaks down to 666 as 12 is the sum of 6+6.
Mills Lane was a third, as indicated by the III at the end of his name. III is 9-9-9, which is an upside-down 666.
Lane’s death fell on a date with Primary numerology of 60:
The gematria of Thirty-three represents 666 in Reduction.
In Reduction, 666 connects to the number 57. This is the number of degrees in the Moon‘s range of declination.
The 57th Prime number is 269
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Mills Lane was 57 years old when Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks was born.
He died on Giannis’s 28th birthday, which stands out because Giannis was born in Greece in 1994, connecting to Total solar eclipse in Hebrew and English.

“Giannis Antetokounmpo” in Greek