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“Hagrid” Actor Robbie Coltrane Dies @ 72

Robbie Coltrane, Hagrid in ‘Harry Potter’ films, dead at 72

Robbie Coltrane, whose real name is Anthony McMillan, died on a date with Primary numerology of 66, which also left 78 days in the year:(10) + (14) + (20) + (22) = 66

Anthony McMillan = 66 and 78

Anthony Robert McMillan was best-known for portraying Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter film franchise.

Anthony Robert McMillan = 1901 Fibonacci and 1109 Latin

"Rubeus Hagrid" = 191 (Reverse)

His stunt double was Martin Bayfield.

Robbie Coltrane and Martin Bayfield both = 191 Capitals Added

Coltrane and Bayfield were born 6110 days apart:

Coltrane died 1191 weeks after he got married in 1999:

It was also 11 years, 91 days after the last Harry Potter film:

The first Harry Potter film was The Philosopher’s Stone, whose wide release was on 11/16.

The actor who played Rubeus Hagrid died exactly 1091 weeks after the first Harry Potter film:

1091 is the 182nd Prime number

Prior to the the Potter films, he was best-known for his role on a television series called Cracker.

"Cracker" = 182 (Latin)

199 is the 46th Prime number

He died on a date with Standard numerology of 46:(10) + (14) + (22) = 46

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