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Former Cowboys RB Marion Barber Dies @ 38

Former Dallas Cowboys RB Marion Barber found dead in his apartment by Frisco police Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/sports/nfl/dallas-cowboys/article262044907.html#storylink=cpy

Barber had Reduced birth numerology of 28. His death in Dallas, Texas is being attributed to a potential case of CTE:6 + 1+0 + 1+9+8+3 = 28

Marion Barber = 208, Barber = 28, Dallas Texas = 28, CTE = 28

Marion Barber, who was born on a date with Primary numerology of 118, died in a suburb of Dallas, Texas on a date with numerology of 49 and 13:(6) + (10) + (19) + (83) = 118, (6) + (1) + (20) + (22) = 49 and (6) + (1) + 2+0+2+2 = 13

Dallas, Texas = 118, Dallas = 49 and 13

"Jerry Jones" = 49 (Full Reduction)

“Murder” / “Sacrifice” Code

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)

Marion was born in the year ’83, and his name matches Murder in gematria.

Marion = 34 and 38, Murder = 34, 38, and 79

Jones was exactly 79 years, 33 weeks old on the date of Marion’s death:

It’s been 33 years, 3 months since Jerry, the Cowboys owner, bought the team.

Cowboys = 33, Jerry and Thirty-three both = 895

Thirty-three is a number of Ritual human sacrifice.

Ritual human sacrifice = 895 and 911

911 is an upside-down 116 

Marion Barber and Barber both = 116

Barber’s name matches Sacrifice in all four base ciphers.

Sacrifice and Marion Barber III have tons of overlap

Note the shared 73 value of Sacrifice and Barber III – that’s the 21st Prime number.

Mike McCarthy was 21,388 days old on June 1st:

"Sacrifice" = 388 (Satanic)

Metonic Cycle

The Metonic cycle is a period of 235 lunar phases.

Barber was born exactly 235 months after current Cowboys coach Mike McCarthy:

Marion Barber died at the age of 38.

"Marion Barber" = 380 (Jewish)

38 is 19×2. There are 19 years in the Moon’s Metonic cycle.

"Metonic cycle" = 668 (Jewish)

"Mike McCarthy" = 668 (Fibonacci)

Marion Barber III = 668 Satanic and 109 Reverse Reduction

Marion was the 109th pick of the NFL Draft. The number 19 upside-down is 61. Barber was born on 6/10 and was found dead on 6/1.

The Metonic cycle is credited to the astronomer Meton. Jones bought the Cowboys on 2/25 in the year ’89.

"Meton" = 225 (Jewish)

"Jones" = 225 (English Extended)

"Marion Barber III" = 89 (Full Reduction)

Barber died in Frisco, which along with Dallas, sits in the path of the 2024 Great American Eclipse:

Marion Sylvester Barber died 1 year, 10 months, 7 days before the next Great American Eclipse:

Marion Sylvester Barber = 117

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