Reid Detmers Throws 316th No-Hitter in MLB History
Last night’s no-hitter thrown by Reid Detmers was the 12th thrown by the Los Angeles Angels in their franchise’s history. Detmers wears #48, which is a multiple of 12.
The game ended with a score of 12-0:
The 12th Prime number is 37
The game was played on a date with numerology of 12 and 37:
The number Twelve has Ordinal gematria of 87.
Detmers was born on the 8th of July, or 8/7
As I have documented, the Los Angeles Angels are a team historically mired in tragedy. It started back in 2009, when Nicholas James Adenhart died in a car accident the night after a game.
Tyler Skaggs died when Nick Adenhart would have been a span of exactly 12000 days old, and the Angels threw a no-hitter while wearing his number a span of 12 days later, on the 12th day of the month:
12 squared is 144
The 12th Fibonacci number is 144
Skaggs was born on the same date as the last Combined no-hitter thrown in the state of California prior to the Angels doing so while honoring his death.
The Angels’ combined no-hitter after his death ended with a score of 13-0. Skaggs was born on a date with Primary numerology of 130:
Detmers’ no-no was on the 130th day of the year:
The next no-hitter to be thrown by the Angels will be their 13th. You can be certain that it will be connected to this ongoing riddle.
Reid Detmers joined the history books on a date with Primary numerology of 57:
He was born in the year ’99
The 57th Prime number is 269
Christianity Riddle
Reid Detmers’ middle name is Kristien:
That sounds a lot like Christian. The no-hitter thrown by Reid Detmers was the 316th no-hitter in the history of MLB. In numerology, 316 is a number strongly-connected to Jesus Christ.
One of the most famous Bible verses is John 3:16, where it is explained why Jesus was sent to Earth:
When you write this number out, you get a Jewish gematria value of 1133.
These are the same digits as 1331, a number extremely-significant in that Jewish/Latin cipher to Total solar eclipses. Tyler Skaggs was born two days after the only Total Maximum Eclipse of the 20th century, and died on the eve of the 2019 Total solar eclipse.
1331 is also the value of Jesus the Messiah.
Last night’s no-hitter fell 13 years, 31 days after the death of Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart:
The numbers 133 and 331 both have gematria of 1331.
Tyler Skaggs woulda been 30 years, 301 days old last night, and the no-hitter thrown in his honor was 1033 days prior:
Detmers has Primary birth numerology of 133: