51-Year-Old Mother Found Dead in Queens, NY
The victim in this story, whose name is Orsolya Gaal, reportedly died on April 16th, written 4/16.
The names Orsolya and Gaal are both Hungarian:
Gaal, the wife of a man named Howard Klein, was found dead on the Sidewalk in Queens at the age of 51.
It’s pretty interesting that we get a big news story out of Queens, NY the same week that the Queen turns 96 years old.
This story is connected to the early death of the Queen of Hungary known as Elizabeth of Luxembourg, who was almost certainly poisoned. The sub-header says the husband received a message saying “your whole family is next.” Elizabeth, who of course shares a name with the current Queen of England, had started a civil war in an effort to keep the throne in her family.
Orsolya Gaal was killed on a date with 62 and 26 numerology:
It was also the 106th day of the year and the 16th day of the month:
Arsenic / Eclipse Code
The number 33 is coded into FOX News’s headline.
The last woman to be Queen of Hungary was Zita of Bourbon-Parma, who belonged to the House of Habsburg.
The most recent woman to hold lineage to the now-defunct throne is Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza, who divorced the head of the House of Habsburg in 2017.
Elizabeth II’s mom, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, died on March 30th, or 3/30:
![Queen Mother = 141 and 156, Thirty-three = 141, 156, and 1515](https://gematrinator.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/QueenMother-33-1515.png)
The name Orsolya has matching 33 Reduction gematria with Masonry, whose highest degree is said to be the 33rd.
Elizabeth of Luxembourg’s infant son Ladislaus the Posthumous and her rival Vladislaus III were both coronated as the new King of Hungary on 5/15. Vladislaus III would go on to die four years later in 1444.
Elizabeth died a at the age of 33 years, 74 days. Arsenic, the most poisonous element on the periodic table, is the 33rd element and has an average atomic weight of 74:
Arsenic even has Reduction gematria of 33, with a value of 69 in Ordinal, like Queen Elizabeth in Reduction. Elizabeth’s father, the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, died at the age of 69. The first Queen Elizabeth of England was born in ’33 and died at age 69.
Orsolya Gaal died on April 16th, which fell 6 months, 9 days after Elizabeth’s birthday and 247 days before the date she died:
These numbers are familiar to the Eclipse code. Gaal’s husband’s name is Howard.
News of this murder made national headlines the following Monday, which falls exactly 103 weeks before the next Total solar eclipse:
Elizabeth of Luxembourg died 1198 days after the last Partial Eclipse and 13 days before the next one. Today falls 1198 days after the last Partial Eclipse and a span of 13 days before the next one.
The gematria of Queens, New York is pretty ripe for Eclipse rituals.
The number 666 is paramount to the Eclipse code:
More Alignments
Elizabeth of Luxembourg was the wife of Albert II of Germany, who has matching 1080 gematria with Orsolya Gaal.
Francesca Thyssen is the name of the most recent woman whose lineage would technically make her the Queen of Hungary, although the throne is now defunct. This ended with her divorce to Karl von Habsburg in 2017. Worth noting that Francesca is currently in her 3333rd week since birth.
Orsolya’s husband’s name is Howard Klein.
Vladislaus III of Poland is the man believed to be responsible for Elizabeth’s early demise. His efforts were all for naught, however, as Elizabeth’s son Ladislaus the Posthumous became the King after Vladislaus was killed in battle in 1444.