Meat Loaf – The JFK Riddle
277 is the 59th Prime number
Meat Loaf was born in Dallas, Texas. JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Michael Lee Aday was 5900 days old on the date John F. Kennedy was killed, and died 59 days into the 59th year since the assassination:
News that JFK would be running for president leaked in ’59, and he went on to win the 1960 presidential election. Meat Loaf died 1959 days (or a span of 1960) after his final album. JFK became president on January 20th, 1961. Meat Loaf died on January 20th, making the headlines a span of 1961 days after his last album:
Braver Than We Are was released on September 9th, 2016, a date with Primary numerology of 54 and 27:
September 9th is universally written 9/9
This would be 104 days with the end date included.
The date he died can be written 22/20/1.
Meat Loaf died on a date with Primary numerology of 63:
JFK was shot in ’63 by an Assassin in a Warehouse on a date with Primary numerology of 115:
Aday’s death made the news on January 21st, or 1/21.
The JFK Assassination fell on 11/22, or 22/11. Aday’s breakthrough debut record was named Bat Out Of Hell.