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Meat Loaf – The JFK Riddle

Meat Loaf died 277 days after Jim Steinman:

277 is the 59th Prime number

Meat Loaf was born in Dallas, Texas. JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Michael Lee Aday = 59 and John F. Kennedy = 59

"Kill" = 59 (Jewish)

Michael Lee Aday was 5900 days old on the date John F. Kennedy was killed, and died 59 days into the 59th year since the assassination:

News that JFK would be running for president leaked in ’59, and he went on to win the 1960 presidential election. Meat Loaf died 1959 days (or a span of 1960) after his final album. JFK became president on January 20th1961. Meat Loaf died on January 20th, making the headlines a span of 1961 days after his last album:

Braver Than We Are was released on September 9th, 2016, a date with Primary numerology of 54 and 27:(9) + (9) + (20) + (16) = 54 and (9) + (9) + 2+0+1+6 = 27

JFK = 27 and 54

September 9th is universally written 9/9

"Meat Loaf - Braver Than We Are" = 99 (Full Reduction)

The album was released when Jack Kennedy was 99 years, 103 days old:

"Jack Kennedy" = 103 (English Ordinal)

This would be 104 days with the end date included.

"Michael Lee Aday" = 104 (English Ordinal)

JFK would have been 104 years old when Michael Lee Aday died:

The date he died can be written 22/20/1.

"Meat Loaf - Braver Than We Are" = 2221 (Jewish)

Meat Loaf died on a date with Primary numerology of 63:(1) + (20) + (20) + (22) = 63

JFK was shot in ’63 by an Assassin in a Warehouse on a date with Primary numerology of 115:(11) + (22) + (19) + (63)= 115

Assassin and Warehouse both = 115

Meat Loaf was 74 years, 115 days old when he passed away:

Killing = 74, 115, and 115

Aday’s death made the news on January 21st, or 1/21.

Meat Loaf was born 121 days after JFK’s birthday:

"Blood sacrifice" = 121 (English Ordinal)

The JFK Assassination fell on 11/22, or 22/11. Aday’s breakthrough debut record was named Bat Out Of Hell.

JFK Assassination = 1122, Bat Out Of Hell = 1122

Meat Loaf was 30 years, 3 weeks, 3 days old for its release:

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