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Actor Robert Downey Sr. Dies @ 85

Robert Downey Sr., director and father of Robert Downey Jr., has died

Robert Downey Sr., father of another famous actor Robert Downey Jr., was born on a date with Primary numerology of 85:(6) + (24) + (19) + (36) = 85

Both father and son share the same full name, Robert John Downey. Downey Sr. has died at the age of 85 on the date 7/7 in 2021.

Robert John Downey = 85 ,77, and 2021

July 7th is the date leaving 177 days in the year:

"Robert Downey Sr." = 177 (Reverse Ordinal)

“Kill” Code

The number 86 is often used as slang for “offing” or “getting rid of”.

Blood sacrifice & Human sacrifice = 86 in Reverse Reduction

The name Downey has matching 86 Ordinal gematria with the number Nineteen.

Downey and Nineteen b0th = 86 Ordinal

The elder Downey’s June 24th date of birth on the 219th anniversary of modern Freemasonry leaves 190 days on the calendar:

Today’s date has a Life Lesson number of 19, which is connected to the number 244:(7) + (7) + 2+0+2+1 = 19

"Nineteen" = 244 (Jewish)

These numbers are found in the gematria of Robert Downey Senior, and are connected to the Kill code in Hebrew.

Robert Downey Senior = 244 and 109

Kill = 244 and 19 Hebrew, 44 Ordinal

Robert Downey Jr. was born on 4/4 in the year ‘65.

"Robert Downey" = 65 (Full Reduction)

“Sacrifice” Code

Downey Sr. passed away after a long battle with Parkinson’s on a date with Primary numerology of 55:(7) + (7) + (20) + (21) = 55

Parkinson's = 550, Sacrifice = 55

Both words also share 46 and 62 gematria.

In Latin/Jewish gematria, Parkinson’s sums to 470, like 47, which is connected to the name Downey.

"Parkinson's" = 470 (Jewish)

Downey = 1616 Squares, Forty-seven = 1616 Extended

The 47th Prime number is 211

Killing = 47 K Exception and 211 Primes

The name Robert Downey Jr. has matching 211 Ordinal gematria with the phrase Ritual human sacrifice, which syncs up with 94 and 33.

Robert John Downey = 211, Ritual human sacrifice = 211, 94, and 895, Thirty-three = 895

Robert Downey Jr. was born on the 94th day of the year:

His father’s death fell 94 days (or 3 months, 3 days) later:

"Robert" = 33 (Full Reduction)

"Robert John Downey Senior" = 303 (Reverse Ordinal)

Downey Sr. was born in 1936.

Parkinson's = 136 Ordinal and 271 Franc Baconis

He died of Parkinson’s 271 days before his son’s birthday, which falls on the date leaving 271 days in the year:

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