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The Deaths of Mark and Andrew Madoff

My last post explained how the death of Bernie Madoff was connected to Charles Ponzi and the 1331 eclipse code.

Bernie’s Ponzi scheme was revealed in late 2008. Bernie was arrested on December 11th. Two years later, also on December 11th, Madoff’s son Mark committed suicide.

December 11th falls 226 days after Madoff’s birthday:

Bernie Madoff has matching 226 gematria with Charles Ponzi’s pseudonym.

"Bernie Madoff" = 226 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Carlo Bianchi" = 226 (Jewish)

"Sacrifice" = 226 (English Extended)

It had been just over 22600 days since Charles Ponzi died:

"Charles Ponzi" = 1226 (English Extended)

226 is connected to the number 33
Charles Ponzi was born on 3/3
33 squared is 561

Mark Madoff died at the age of exactly 561 months:

Eclipse = 33 and Solar eclipse = 53

Madoff plead guilty 53 days after the anniversary of Ponzi’s death:

Bernie and Scheme both = 53, 109, 161, and 141

The Scheme run by Bernie stole 53 times the amount of money as Charles Ponzi’s:By comparison, Bernard Madoff's similar scheme that collapsed in 2008 cost his investors about $18 billion, 53 times the losses of Ponzi's scheme.

Bernie’s son Mark committed suicide on a date with Primary numerology of 53:(12) + (11) + (20) + (10) = 53

Andrew Madoff

Andrew Madoff died a span of exactly 286 weeks after his father’s guilty plea:

"Lugo, Emilia-Romagna" = 286 (Reverse Ordinal)

Lugo, Emilia-Romagna is the birthplace of Charles Ponzi.

Charles Ponzi died a span of exactly 46 weeks after his birthday:

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

Bernard and Bianchi both = 46

(9) + (3) + (20) + (14) = 46 and (9) + (3) + 2+0+1+4 = 19

"Ponzi" = 19 (Reverse Reduction)

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