Rapper Tripple Beanz Killed @ 29
I couldn’t find this man’s date of birth, but I wanted to do a short post since some very familiar numbers popped up with the very first things I typed.
Rapper Tripple Beanz (Corey Thompson) sums to 330 in the alphabetic order. He was killed in Newark, NJ.
His gematria in Reduction is relevant too:
1:20 p.m. is 13:20 military time. The timestamp on the footage shows 1:20 when the shooting begins:
In Extended, Newark connects to Tripple Beanz.

These are eclipse numbers. Because of the date stamp on the video, some outlets reported his death to have occurred on November 28th, which had numerology of 79:
Tripple Beanz was 29 years old.
His death was 17 days before the eclipse.

59 is a number we commonly see associated with the death of black men. “Negro”, “Slave”, and “Blues” = 59.
Both “five” and “nine” sum to 42. This is the other number attributed in this same fashion. “N****r”, “Slavery”, “Brothers”, “Bigotry” all = 42. The date of this shooting had a Life Lesson number of 42: