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Jeopardy Host Alex Trebek Dies @ 80

Alex Trebek, long-running 'Jeopardy!' host, dead at 80

Today has Primary numerology of 59:(11) + (8) + (20) + (20) = 59

"Alex Trebek" = 59 (Reverse Reduction)

Trebek hosted his first episode of Jeopardy! on September 10th, 1984, meaning he died 59 days after the anniversary of his debut:

Kill = 17 Reduction, 59 Jewish
59 is the 17th Prime number

"Alex Trebek - Jeopardy" = 80 (Full Reduction)

Alex Trebek, the host of Jeopardy, has passed away at the age of 80.

"Eighty" = 88 (Reverse Ordinal)

Trebek had Primary birth numerology of 88:(7) + (22) + (19) + (40) = 88

He was born in the year 40.

Alex Trebek and Jeopardy both = 40

He died in the year 2020. His full name is George Alexander Trebek.

"George Alexander Trebek" = 202 (English Ordinal)

"Trebek" = 202 (Jewish)


George Trebek sums to 118 in the alphabetic order.

"George Trebek" = 118 (English Ordinal)

Trebek succumbed to a long battle with cancer.

"Cancer" = 118 (Reverse Ordinal)

Trebek died on November 8th, or 8/11, at the age of 80 years, 110 days:

Death and Homicide both = 118 in Jewish gematria

"George Alexander Trebek" = 812 (Jewish)

Trebek died during the time of Scorpio, which is the Detriment of the planet Venus. He was 118 days after his 130th Venusian birthday.

Alex Trebek = 103 Ordinal, George Alexander Trebek = 103 Reduction

"November eighth" = 1049 (Jewish) "Planet Venus" = 149 (English Ordinal)

Eclipse Code

"Eighty" = 74 (English Ordinal)

Last year, I made this post explaining how the Jeopardy! win streaks of Ken Jennings and James Holzhauer were eclipse riddles. Jennings, who was born in 74, had his 74-game win streak ended on 11/30, the date of the ultimate eclipse. Holzhauer’s streak ended in his 33rd game.

"Total solar eclipse" = 704 (Jewish) "Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Each episode of Jeopardy! begins with the phrase This is Jeopardy!

"This is Jeopardy" = 1506 (Jewish)

An Eclipse always occurs 1, 5, or 6 lunar phases after the last one. The Hebrew word for eclipse sums to 156:

Trebek has Standard birth numerology of 69:(7) + (22) + (40)= 69

"Eclipse" = 69 (English Ordinal)

His birthday is July 22nd, or 22/7, and he died on November eighth.

In Hebrew, the phrase for total eclipse sums to 227:

November eighth = 227 Reverse and 151 Ordinal

151 is the 36th Triangular number
He died 36 days before the 2020 total solar eclipse
He has hosted Jeopardy! for 36 years

Trebek’s death is also connected to the two Great American Eclipses:Total eclipse = 137, 70, and 47

This is Jeopardy = 178 Ordinal and 1068 Sumerian

Tomorrow will be 178 weeks before the second Great American Eclipse. The date he died was a span of exactly 168 weeks after the first:

There’s more connections to these two special eclipses.

Consider how James Holzhauer's winning streak ended a span of exactly 75 weeks before Trebek's death:

The 75th Prime number is 379

The first Great American Eclipse was 3 years, 79 days ago:

Trebek died exactly 41 months before the second Great American Eclipse:

"Jeopardy!" = 41 (Reverse Reduction)

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