Organic Injury, Ritual Magic, Or…?
As a Packer fan growing up, the 1995 NFC Championship Game was one of the most exciting things in my life up to that point. The game wound up being marred not only by a Packer loss, but also by the unsettling feeling left from a brutal head injury suffered by Green Bay’s wide receivers coach during the game.
Video of the injury (Starts at 2:20 – it’s a little uncomfortable for the squeamish)
The man hurt was Gil Haskell, and fortunately, he’s still alive to this day. Notice how his name has matching Reduction gematria with concussion, and he is most famous for his head slamming against the cement.
I’m really digging into the vault for this one, but it’s well worth exploring. The more I looked into this, the more obvious this was some sort of event related to Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite.
The word Freemason sums to 96 in the alphabetic order.
Gil Haskell suffered his concussion (and a lot more) in The Green Bay Packers‘ game against the Dallas Cowboys just two weeks into the year ’96.
Robert Brooks
Green Bay is a team that’s easy to equate with Freemasonry, since they wear a capital G on their helmet, similar to the capital G on masonry’s emblem.

289 is 17×17
Modern Freemasonry was founded in 1717
The score was 17-17 when Haskell got hurt
There was 5:11 on the clock.
Gil Haskell was injured when Robert Brooks, a wide receiver he coached, was tackled into him. Robert Brooks matches Freemasonry, which also matches Green Bay.
Brooks’s birthday is June 23rd, whereas Freemasonry was founded on June 24th. Packers matches Mason in Reverse.
Brooks was 206 days into his 26th year since birth on the date of this game:
26×2 = 52. Haskell was 52 years old at the time. “Tackle” = 52, “Head injury” = 52.
13 / 33 Riddle
Using the capital letter ciphers, the letter G has gematria of 13 and 33:
Robert Brooks, who was playing for the Packers, wore the capital G on his helmet:
The highest degree of Masonry is said to be the 33rd.
The game was played in Irving, Texas.
The 13th Prime number is 41
The game played on a date with Primary numerology of 130:
Head coach Mike Holmgren was leading his team against Dallas.
13 is the 6th Prime number. The Packers lost the game to fall to 13-6 for the season. It was the 6th meeting all-time between the Packers and Cowboys in the playoffs.
The masonic compass is set to 47 degrees:
Packers coach Michael George Holmgren was 47 years old.
571 is the 105th Prime number
Holmgren’s birthday is June 15th, the only date that can be written 15/6.
Brooks / Woodson Connections
This part is wild. Robert Brooks’s middle name is Darren. He was pushed into Haskell by Cowboys’ safety Darren Woodson:
Woodson has matching 165 Ordinal gematria with the most popular branch of Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite.
The 165th Prime number is 977
Remarkably, in that same cipher, Gil Haskell matches the name Darren, which both Brooks and Woodson have:
Gil Haskell was exactly 321 months old when Robert Brooks was born, and was 3 months, 21 days after his birthday when he got injured:
The name Haskell on its own sums to 68. He was injured during the Championship game in Irving, Texas, when Robert Brooks fell into him.