Shelter-in-Place Order Lifted at UNC-Asheville
This story brings the agenda behind the Covid-19 plandemic into clearer view. Prior to the “virus”, a lockdown like this would likely not have occurred. It’s one thing to tell students and staff to not come to the campus – it’s another one to tell them to stay at home.
This is a meatier post than most of my recent ones. Although a bit long-winded, the riddles make sense. It’s connected to the gematria and age of the school, the governor’s birthday, and the GOP National Convention held in North Carolina earlier this year. You will also see the logical connection to the death of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, all capped off with a nice lunar eclipse riddle.
Notice the 10:31 update time of CNN’s headline.
In Single Reduction, UNC-Asheville sums to 59.
It’s named after former North Carolina governor Samuel Ashe.
This is a number stamped on stories about racism.
This occurred on a date with Primary numerology of 59:
The order was sent using a Bulldog Alert.
In Ordinal, Asheville sums to 93.
The university’s motto is Levo oculos meos in montes.
The university was founded in 1927, making it 93 years old:
George Floyd graduated high school in ’93 and died on the 93rd meridian in “Minneapolis, Minnesota” = 93.
Roy Cooper
The governor of North Carolina is Roy Cooper, whose full name sums to 119.
Last year, I made this post about another lockdown at UNC-Charlotte after a shooting there. That event took place 119 days after the anniversary of Cooper taking office on January 1st:
GOP National Convention
Earlier this year, the 2020 RNC was held in North Carolina. This event was connected to the death of George Floyd. On the date Floyd died, I made this post about Trump threatening Roy Cooper by moving the convention to a different state.
The lockdown also fell 43 days after the convention ended, and 43 days before North Carolina’s date of admission to the Union:
In August, I even made another post that explained how the shooting death of a white 5-year-old boy by a black man in North Carolina was numerically-connected to the George Floyd incident.
Black Lives Matter
UNC-Asheville has matching gematria with shelter in place.
That Trigonal cipher has another riddle in it. Black Lives Matter sums to 1433 in that method:
1433 is the 227th Prime number
Lunar Eclipse Riddle
In Hebrew gematria, total lunar eclipse sums to 445.
This is the Ordinal value of University of North Carolina at Asheville.
337 is the 68th Prime number
Trump was born on the same date as this total lunar eclipse, which was 14/6. George Floyd died on the 146th day of the year.
North Carolina has matching 23 gematria with total lunar eclipse.
The state of North Carolina is currently 230 years old: