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5-Year-Old Shot in North Carolina Connected to George Floyd

Yesterday I made this post about the shooting of a 5-year-old boy from Wilson, North Carolina name Hinnant. It was on a date with Standard numerology of 37:(8) + (9) + (20) = 37

"Shooting" = 37 (Reverse Reduction)

"Hinnant" = 37 (Reverse Reduction)

"Carolina" = 37 (Full Reduction)

We’ve now learned the boy’s full name and age:Cannon Blake Hinnant April 30, 2015 ~ August 9, 2020 (age 5)

The apparently random shooting of a white boy by a black neighbor appears to be a numerical riddle related to the death of George Floyd, whose death was the catalyst for most of the ongoing protests. His birthday was April 30th, written 4/30.

"George Floyd" = 43 (Reverse Reduction)

Floyd’s death on the 93rd meridian was a riddle related to the assassination of MLK Jr.

"Martin Luther King Jr." = 93 (Full Reduction)

Saturn = 93 and 69

Cannon Hinnant was born on a date with Primary numerology of 69:(4) + (30) + (20) + (15) = 69

George Perry Floyd = 69, 102, and 1929

He was a span of 102 days after his birthday, and a total of 1929 days old:

Cannon was killed by a neighbor.

Neighbor = 201 Jewish and 231 Extended

George Perry Floyd = 201 Ordinal and 231 Reverse

Floyd was born in the year ’73. The boy’s full name sums to both 314 and 73:

Cannon Blake Hinnant = 314 and 73

The date written 3/14, Pi day, is the 73rd day of the year:Day of Year: (Mar-14)

73 is the 21st Prime number. He died on a date with a Life Lesson number of 21:(8) + (9) + 2+0+2+0 = 21

The planet Saturn has gematria of both 73 and 21.

Saturn = 511 Jewish, 73 ALW, and 21 Reduction

Also note the Jewish value of 511. Cannon Blake Hinnant was 5 years, 101 days old:

"Cannon Blake Hinnant" = 511 (Primes)

Cannon was 5 years, 25 days old when George Floyd died on 5/25. The suspect in this story is 25 years old. 2:52 on a clock is 172 minutes, and “Cannon Blake Hinnant = 172 (Ordinal),

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