16-Year-Old Sanford Man Charged With Murder
This story comes out of Sanford, Florida, the same community in which the Trayvon Murder occurred.
271 is the 58th Prime number
This murder was on August 5th, or 5/8
This year, August 5th was the 218th day of the year:
The name of the victim was Artavious Quarterman.
218 is the Hebrew value for Moon.
Sanford has the same gematria as Saturn. Saturn has a 29.5-year orbit around the Sun, much like how there are 29.5 days between New Moons.
Trayvon Martin was an Aquarius, which is ruled by the planet Saturn.
Saturnalia takes place between the 17th and 23rd.
“Murder” Riddle
In Jewish gematria, Sanford, Florida sums to 441.
The 441st Prime number is 3083
This murder occurred exactly 3083 days after the Trayvon Martin incident, and 3 years, 8 months, 3 days before the second Great American Eclipse:
A man named Conor killed Artavious Quarterman.
Also note the alignments with 79, the Ordinal value of murder:
666 / Eclipse Riddles
Trayvon Martin would currently be 25 years old. He was born on February 5th, written 2/5, which is the 36th day of the year:
The 36th Triangular number is 666
Trayvon was born in the year ’95.
In that Ordinal method, the killer’s name sums to 198. 666 is the number of the Beast.
The killer’s name sums to 60-66 and 90-99.
The story was published two days after the murder on August 7th, written 8/7.
The Beast sums to 311, like Sanford.
666 is a number significantly-related to eclipses. Notice how the victim’s name sums to 142 like Sanford, Florida and eclipse sacrifice.
The killing occurred 13 months, 3 days after the most recent total solar eclipse, and 131 days before the next:
The ultimate eclipse number is 1331. Sanford, Florida was incorporated on a date with Primary numerology of 133:
Interesting it was incorporated in the year ’77. That’s the same year the show Sanford and Son ended.