15 Hurt in Shooting Outside Chicago Funeral Home
The shootings occurred on a date with Primary numerology of 68:
Lori Lightfoot has a lot of gematric overlap with Donald Trump, including the number 68:
The date of the shootings also had Standard numerology of 48:
Lori Lightfoot’s birthday is August 4th, written 4/8.
Lightfoot / Trump Numerology
Lightfoot had been in office for 1 year, 63 days on the date of the shooting and subsequent news story:
It was on the date leaving 163 days in the year:
Trump’s campaign slogan was Make America Great Again.
163 is the 38th Prime number
Donald Trump was 38 days after his birthday on both dates:
Trump was 37 days after his birthday on the date of the “Shooting” = 37 (RR) in “Chicago” = 37 (R).
Lightfoot and Donald both share 112 gematria with funeral.
Lightfoot has vowed to not welcome dictatorship:
The shooting and subsequent headlines fall 14 months, 2 days after Lori Lightfoot became the mayor of Chicago:
142 is the Ordinal value of 42.
Lightfoot was elected as Chicago’s first gay mayor on April 2nd last year, written 4/2, which was 242 days after her birthday and 4 months, 2 days before her next.
Chicago was incorporated on 3/4
The 34th Prime number is 139
187 Code
187 is famously known as the police’s homicide code:
The funeral where the shooting occurred was being held to remember a man named Donnie Weathersby.
187 is 11×17
The 187th Prime number is 1117
Recall this 187 – 1117 connection was very relevant to Lisa Marie Presley when her son died last week.
Eclipse Riddle
Today is July 22nd, written 22/7 in most parts of the world. The equation 22÷7 is the smallest one that gives you the first three digits of pi, 3.14. This works in gematria too:
This make’s Lori’s bolded quote all the more fun:
The word eclipse sums to 314 in Satanic gematria.
It’s pretty simple to see an eclipse riddle with this story. The shooting at a funeral home in Chicago, Illinois fell exactly 55 weeks after the most recent total solar eclipse, and the story made headlines 145 days before the next one:
Illinois is the state where the intersection of the two Great American Eclipses occurs:
9/11 Coding
The 156th Prime number is 911
The shooting fell 314 days after 9/11 and 6,888 days after the 9/11 attacks:
The first plane on 9/11 crashed at 8:46. Recall how “George Floyd” = 119 (Ordinal) and was choked for 8:46 on a date the sun set at 8:46. These numbers were attributed in the headline: