Singer Kenny Rogers Dies @ 81
Kenny Rogers died on March 20th, the date written 20/3
News of his death was not published until today, 21/3, which is 213 days after Rogers’ birthday:
His final album was released in 2013 on the date 11/04
It was called You Can’t Make Old Friends.
It was released 332 weeks before he died:
The 213th Prime number is 1303
Kenny Rogers is co-founder of a restaurant chain called Kenny Rogers Roasters. Pretty interesting, considering all the rage in the world right now is coronavirus.
Kenny Rogers’ first restaurant was opened in Coral Springs.
Rogers’ last full day alive was exactly 15,100 days after the release of his signature song, The Gambler:
“Ritual Sacrifice” Code
Today’s news falls on the 81st day of a leap year:
Kenny was 81 years old.
The date he died had numerology of 63, 27, and 45, lining up with the gematria of ritual in our other primary ciphers:

Kenny Rogers died 154 days before his next birthday, and 212 days after his last one:
Rogers’ full name sums to 86.
He was born on a date with 86 and 67 numerology:
Rogers’ most famous song, The Gambler, was released 86 days after his birthday:
A span of 86 days after his birthday, Kenny Rogers Roasters was featured in a 1996 episode of Seinfeld:
It aired on the 319th day of a leap year:
The episode aired exactly 1218 weeks before 3/19, which was the last full day Kenny Rogers lived:
It was the 142nd episode of the series.
Kenny Rogers turned 79 years old on the date of the first Great American total solar eclipse:
Rogers was a span of exactly 979 months old when he died:
Rogers died 37 weeks, 3 days after the most recent total solar eclipse: