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Justin Bieber Says He Has Lyme Disease

Justin Bieber reveals he's battling Lyme disease

"Lyme disease" = 117 (English Ordinal)

Bieber has Primary birth numerology of 117(3) + (1) + (19) + (94) = 117

Lyme sums to 53 in reverse:

"Lyme" = 53 (Reverse Ordinal)

Solar eclipse and Justin Bieber both = 53, 134, and 190

Today is 190 days after the ’19 total solar eclipse190 Days

"Lyme" = 19 (Full Reduction)

"Justin Bieber has Lyme Disease" = 1900 (Jewish)

Bieber is 310 months, 7 days old:310 Months, 7 Days

Lyme disease begins with the sound “Lie”. 317 is the word LIE flipped upside-down:

"The word LIE flipped upside-down" = 317 Ordinal and 2207 Extended

22÷7 is the smallest equation you can use to get the first three digits of Pi.

"Twenty-two divided by seven" = 314 (English Ordinal)

"Pi" = 25 (English Ordinal)

Bieber is a span of 314 days after his 25th birthday:25 Years, 314 Days

Today is January 8th, written 1/08

"Justin Bieber has Lyme Disease" = 108 (Full Reduction)

"Mathematics of the circle" = 108 (Single Reduction)"Mathematics of the circle" = 666 (Jewish)

"Lyme disease" = 999 (English Extended)

"Mathematics of the circle" = 99 (Full Reduction)

The only number to sum to 99 in the alphabetic order is 13

"Thirteen" = 99 (English Ordinal)

Bieber was born on March 1st, or 1/3
He was discovered at age 13
The 13th Prime number is 41

Bieber = 41 Ordinal and 103 Jewish

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