David Koch Passes Away @ Age 79
David Hamilton Koch was 79 years old.
He is well-known for his work with Koch Industries and Americans for Prosperity. He ran both alongside his brother, Charles de Ganahl Koch, who is currently 83 years old.
79 is the 22nd Prime number
David Koch died 254 days before his 2020 birthday:
In Ordinal, his name sums to 169
169 is 13 squared
The date he died leaves 130 days on the calendar:
The 13th Prime number is 41
33 is a number of sacrifice.
Koch died a span of 3 months, 3 weeks after his birthday:
1849 is 43 squared
August 23rd had a Life Lesson number of 43
The 43rd Prime number is 191
David Koch’s death falls on the 23rd day of the month, a date with 23 numerology:
It’s been a span of 2 years, 3 days since the 2017 Great American eclipse:
Eclipse Code
Koch died 479 days before the next total solar eclipse:
479 is the 92nd Prime number
There was a total solar eclipse in 2019 as well. His death fell 1 month, 21 days later:
He died a span of 113 days after his birthday and 113 days before December 14th, the date of the 2020 total solar eclipse.
Metonic Cycle
Today is 23/8. The Moon’s average distance from the Earth is 238,000 miles.
The most significant cycle in relation to the Moon appears to be the Metonic cycle, which is a period of 235 lunar phases. Today is the 235th day of the year:
David Koch provided the funding for the political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, which was founded on March 10th in 2004. That date falls 23 weeks, 5 days before the 235th day of the year:
Consider how we are currently in the year ’19 – the 19th Prime number is 67, which is the Ordinal value of Meton, the Greek astronomer whom the cycle is named after.
Koch Industries was established on the date February 8th, which falls a span of 197 days before the date David died: