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Amtrak Train Stranded in Eugene, Oregon

An Amtrak train with 183 passengers has been stranded in snowy Oregon since Sunday

This Amtrak train is stuck in Eugene, OR

"Amtrak train" = 126 (English Ordinal)

"Eugene, OR" = 126 (Reverse Ordinal)

It’s the same day Donald Trump landed in Hanoi, Vietnam to meet with Kim Jong Un.

Eugene, Oregon & Hanoi, Vietnam = 131 & 193

Today is February 26th

"February twenty-sixth" = 230 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Train accident" = 230 (Reverse Ordinal)

In Ordinal, February 26th sums to 283

"February twenty-sixth" = 283 (English Ordinal)

"The Moon" = 283 (Jewish)

Today has Full numerology of 67(2) + (26) + (20) + (19) = 67

67 is the 19th Prime number
There are 19 years in the Moon’s Metonic cycle

"Amtrak" = 19 (Full Reduction)

The state of Oregon, whose governor is Katherine Brown, celebrated its 190th anniversary earlier this month:190 Years

"Katherine Brown" = 1090 (English Extended)

"Kate Brown" = 109 (English Ordinal)

"Oregon governor" = 190 (Reverse Ordinal)

"a giant kumbaya party" = 109 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Kate Brown is a lesbian, the first openly LGBT governor to be elected. Note the 127 in Reverse and Ordinal:

Lesbian and Metonic cycle both = 62, 127, and 197

127 is the 31st Prime number

Amtrak is 301 days after the anniversary of its date of establishment:301 Days

The Moon has a 57-degree range of declination from the ecliptic. February 26th is the 57th day of the year.

"Moon" = 57 (English Ordinal)

Union Pacific locomotive is being used to pull the stranded train.

"Union Pacific" = 570 (English Extended)

The train in this story is stranded in Eugene, OR

"Eugene" = 57 (English Ordinal)

Eugene, OR & The Moon = 90 in Ordinal

In Reverse, Moon sums to 51, a number attributed in the headline.

"Moon" = 51 (Reverse Ordinal)

They've been stranded on a train for 30 hours

"They've been stranded on a train for 30 hours" = 510 (Reverse Ordinal)

Amtrak was founded on the date May 1st, written 5/1 or 1/5

"Eugene" = 105 (Reverse Ordinal)"Moon" = 15 (Reverse Full Reduction)

30 hours?

"Eugene" = 30 (Full Reduction)

"Eugene, Oregon" = 183 (Francis Bacon)

There are 183 passengers stranded on the train
183 has Prime Factorization of 3 × 61
3 is the 2nd Prime number and 61 is the 18th.

"ירח (Moon)" = 218 (Hebrew Gematria)

The Governor of Oregon is Katherine Brown, who took office on 2/18 of 2015

"Katherine Brown" = 215 (Reverse Ordinal) "Katherine Brown" = 215 (Francis Bacon)

She’s been in office for exactly 210 weeks:210 Weeks, 0 Days

"Moon" = 210 (English Extended)

210 weeks is also 4 years, 8 days (or 48 months):4 Years, 8 Days

"Luna" = 48 (English Ordinal)

"Train crash" = 48 (Full Reduction)

The 48th Prime number is 223

"הירח (The Moon)" = 223 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Governor of Oregon" = 223 (Reverse Ordinal)

The Moon has an equatorial radius of 2160 miles. Brown’s birthday is June 21st, or 21/6.

"Kate Brown" = 216 (Franc Baconis)

In Ordinal, Katherine Brown sums to 163

"Katherine Brown" = 163 (English Ordinal)

She’s 16 weeks, 3 days before her birthday:16 Weeks, 3 Days

163 is the 38th Prime number
Brown is Oregon’s 38th Governor

"ירח (Moon)" = 38 (Hebrew Ordinal)

In Reduction, Moon = 21 and Katherine Brown = 73
The 21st Prime number is 73

No one was hurt when the train hit a tree that had fallen onto the tracks Sunday about 6:18 p.m., Amtrak said. And passengers reported a "kumbaya" atmosphere during the ordeal.

"Kumbaya" = 74 (English Ordinal)"Oregon" = 74 (English Ordinal)"Masonic" = 74 (English Ordinal)

"Kumbaya" = 644 (Jewish)"Scottish Rite" = 644 (Jewish)

Today is Kate Brown’s 1470th day in office:1470 Days

"Kumbaya" = 147 (Franc Baconis)

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