Designer Karl Lagerfeld Dies @ 85
Karl Lagerfeldt has passed away on February 19th, 2019, a date with Full numerology of 60
Lagerfeldt changed his last name to Lagerfeld
After the change, his name sums to 777 in Satanic gematria
This is the numeric value of Order out of chaos
7×7×7 = 343
He died on the 19th day of the month in ’19, the same day as a Super Moon
He died exactly 19 weeks before the next solar eclipse
19×19 = 361
Notice the 33 at the middle of the emblem above. Lagerfeld was born in ’33 and died on a date with a Life Lesson number of 33
Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld sums to 139 and 158, just like Freemasonry

Lagerfeld died 5 months, 9 days after his birthday:
The 59th Prime number is 277
One date can be extracted from 277 – July 27th, or 27/7
Measuring from the date Lagerfeld died to 27/7:
His name has several more numeric ties to Freemasonry.
Lagerfeld’s death also fell a span of 163 days after his birthday:
163 is the 38th Prime number
38×38 = 1444
It seems fitting for a fashion designer to be the subject of a masonic killing
He was born on the date leaving 112 days in the year:
He was a fashion designer born in Hamburg, Germany, and was the creative director of Chanel S.A. before dying at the American Hospital of Paris
He was a weird guy:
What’s going on at this American Hospital of Paris anyway? See my other post on its freakish numerology.