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The States Decoded – #4 Georgia

Georgia was the 4th state admitted to the Union. To this day, it is one of only two states with Reduction gematria of 44.

"Georgia" = 44 (Full Reduction)

The first official Governor of Georgia was Archibald Bulloch. He assumed office on January 22nd, 1776, a date with a life lesson number of 44(1) + (22) + 1+7+7+6 = 44

"Georgia" = 37 (Reverse Full Reduction)

He was one of four Governors before the British regained control in 1778, when they installed another “Archie“, Archibald Campbell, on a date with 37 numerology:1+2 + 2+9 + 1+7+7+8 = 37

Archie = 44 Ordinal & 37 Reverse Reduction

"Campbell" = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)

This number remains important to this day. Both states with 44 Reduction gematria recently elected Governors with 44 Reduction gematria on the same date.

Georgia, Brian Kemp, Wisconsin, & Tony Evers all = 44 in Reduction

Bulloch took office on a date with Full numerology of 116(1) + (22) + (17) + (76) = 116

"Bulloch" = 116 (Reverse Ordinal)

He was born in the year 1730
173 is the 40th Prime number
Georgia is the 4th state

A span of exactly 1073 days separates Archibald Bulloch’s and Archibald Campbell’s first days in office:1073 Days

Archibald Bulloch took office on the date January 22nd, written 1/22. This is the Ordinal gematria of the British Archibald:

"Archibald Campbell" = 122 (English Ordinal)

These two men have further numerical connections:

Archibald Bulloch & Archibald Campbell both = 68 Reduction

Archibald Campbell had birth numerology of 68(8) + (21) + (39) = 68

The 68th Prime number is 337

"Archibald Campbell" = 337 (Reverse Ordinal)

Perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that Bulloch died in office. Of the four states I’ve decoded thus far, the first Governor of 3 of them died during his term.

Bulloch died exactly 1 year, 31 days after taking office:1 Year, 31 Days

Campbell took office 1 year, 310 days after Bulloch died:1 Year, 310 Days

Campbell died 13 weeks, 1 day after the anniversary of the date he took office:13 Weeks, 1 Day

Archibald Bulloch = 131 Ordinal & 301 Reverse

301 and 310 represent 31 in numerology. The 31st Prime number is 127, which is the value of Georgia in that same method.

"Georgia" = 127 (Reverse Ordinal)

1 + 2 + 1+7+8+8 = 27
Georgia’s Life Lesson number

31 is the 11th Prime number. Converting to years/months, we find Bulloch lasted exactly 1 year, 1 month in office:1 Year, 1 Month, 0 Days

From the date Georgia installed Bulloch as their first Governor to the date Georgia officially became a state was 11 years, 11 months, 11 days:11 Years, 11 Months, 11 Days

Instead measuring from Bulloch’s death to Georgia’s admission yields even more 11‘s:10 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days

Bulloch lasted exactly 13 months in office:13 Months, 0 Days

Campbell took office exactly 130 days after his birthday:130 Days

These 11‘s and 13‘s are interesting – Georgia became a state 130 months, 11 days after Bulloch died:130 Months, 11 Days

13×11 = 143

"מעגל (Circle)" = 143 (Hebrew Gematria)

Georgia’s date of statehood was 143 months after he took office:143 Months

Bulloch died on February 22nd, written 2/22. Campbell died 222 days after his birthday:222 Days

Bulloch’s birthday is listed as January 1st, 1730. If that’s true, he would have been exactly 46 years, 3 weeks old when he assumed office:46 Years, 3 Weeks, 0 Days

463 is the 90th Prime number

Campbell died on March 31st, the 90th day of the year:

The date Bulloch died had Reduced numerology of 282 + 2+2 + 1+7+7+7 = 28

"Bulloch" = 28 (Full Reduction)

"Kill" = 28 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Also note the 118 and 46 numerologies:(2) + (22) + (17) + (77) = 118 & (2) + (22) + 1+7+7+7 = 46

Death and Homicide both = 118 in Jewish

"Archie" = 118 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

The name Bulloch has matching gematria with sacrifice

"Bulloch" = 73 (English Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal) "Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

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