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Terror Attack in Nairobi, Kenya Kills “At Least 14”


This terror attack ritual is a tribute to the numerology of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and its installed leader of Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta

"Uhuru Kenyatta" = 75 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The attack occurred at a hotel

"Hotel" = 75 (Reverse Ordinal)

Notice how the headline has Reverse gematria of 750

Full number calculation"At least 14 killed as Kenya hotel siege is declared over" = 750 (Reverse Ordinal)

The terror attack, also being called hotel siege as it is above, began on the 15th day of the year:

"Hotel siege" = 105 (English Ordinal)

"Terror attack" = 150 (English Ordinal)

The 15th Prime number is 47

The attack was allegedly carried out by a group called Al-Shabaab

"Al-Shabaab" = 47 (English Ordinal)

911 / False Flag Code

The attack began 9 months, 11 days before Kenyatta’s birthday:9 Months, 11 Days

"Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta" = 911 (Satanic)

911 is the 156th Prime number

"False flag" = 156 (Jewish)

911 flipped upside-down is 116
The siege ended on January 16th, written 1/16

"Siege" = 116 (Jewish)

The siege began 116 days after the anniversary of the Westgate Mall Attack, also in Nairobi, Kenya, from back in 2013:116 Days

Kenyatta’s Full birth numerology is 116(10) + (26) + (19) + (61) = 116

The 116th Prime number is 641

"Uhuru Kenyatta" = 641 (Satanic)

Masonic Numerology

The headline also has gematria of both 187 and 223

Number Calculation reducedAt least 14 killed as Kenya hotel siege is declared over = 187 Full Reduction, 223 Single Reduction

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 187 (Full Reduction)

"Masonic" = 223 (Jewish)

The siege began on January 15th, written 1/15

"Masonic" = 115 (Reverse Ordinal)

January 15th had Standard numerology of 35, and left 350 days in the year:(1) + (15) + (19) = 35

350 is the Reverse value of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The attack began and ended 35 days after Kenya’s Independence Day:
35 Days   35 Days

In Jewish gematria, Masonry sums to 691. On both the date the siege began, and the date it ended, President Kenyatta had been in office for 69 months, 1 week:
69 Months, 1 Week, 0 Days   69 Months, 1 Week, 0 Days

"Masonry" = 691 (Jewish)

Kenyatta was born in the year 1961

Check out all the alignments President Uhuru Kenyatta has with Freemasonry:

"President Uhuru Kenyatta" = 127 (Reverse Full Reduction)"Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 127 (Full Reduction)

The attack began 10 months, 27 days before Kenya’s Independence Day:10 Months, 27 Days

"Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta" = 84 (Full Reduction)

"Masonry" = 84 (Reverse Ordinal)

Terror attack = 51 & 84 in Reduction

"Uhuru Kenyatta" = 165 (Reverse Ordinal)"Uhuru Kenyatta" = 51 (Single Reduction)

"Scottish Rite" = 165 (English Ordinal)"Freemason" = 51 (Single Reduction)

"Hotel siege" = 165 (Reverse Ordinal)"Hotel siege" = 51 (Full Reduction)

In Reduction, Scottish Rite sums to 57
On the date the attack began, Kenyatta was 81 days after his 57th birthday:57 Years, 81 Days

"Scottish Rite" = 57 (Full Reduction)"Terror attack" = 570 (Satanic)

"Ritual" = 81 (English Ordinal) "Ritual" = 81 (Reverse Ordinal)

The attack ended on a date with Full / Reduced numerology of 5620, syncing up nicely with the Ordinal / Reduction gematria of Kenya(1) + (16) + (20) + (19) = 561 + 1+6 + 2+0+1+9 = 20

Kenya = 56 & 20

See Zach’s post for details on how this ritual was related to Martin Luther King Jr., who would have celebrated his birthday on the first day of the attack.

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