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Jim “Catfish” Hunter (1946-1999)

My post on the death of Kim Hunter, Catfish’s daughter

James "Jim" Augustus Hunter (April 8, 1946 – September 9, 1999)

"James Augustus Hunter" = 263 (English Ordinal)

We can pull one date from the number 263 – that would be March 26th, written 26/3
“Catfish” Hunter
died in 1999, 199 days before 26/3199 Days

"Catfish Hunter" = 199 (Reverse Ordinal)

He was inducted into the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame in 1990

His jersey was retired on June 9th of 1991, exactly 99 months before he died:99 Months, 0 Days

He died on the date written 9/9

Back to 199

199 is the 46th Prime number

Jim Hunter died on a date with a Life Lesson number of 469 + 9 + 1+9+9+9 = 46

"Jim Hunter" = 46 (Full Reduction)

He was born in the year ’46

"להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Sacrifice sums to 46 and also shares two values with Catfish” Hunter

Sacrifice = 46. It also = 62 and 73 just like Catfish Hunter

He died 4 weeks, 6 days after the date 8/64 Weeks, 6 Days

"Hunter" = 86 (English Ordinal)

In Reverse Reduction, both blood sacrifice and human sacrifice sum to 86, a number used as slang for “offing” or “getting rid of”

"Blood sacrifice" = 86 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Above, I mentioned how he died 199 days before 26/3, which, because 2000 was a leap year, was the 86th day of the year:

"Catfish Hunter" = 152 (English Ordinal)

One date can be extracted from 152 – that’s February 15th, written 15/2. He died 206 days after that date:206 Days

"Sacrifice" = 206 (Jewish)

Catfish died 154 days after his birthday:154 Days

"Ritual sacrifice" = 154 (English Ordinal)

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