Belgian Criminal / Politician Jean-Pierre Van Rossem Dead @ 73
I respect anyone willing to name a Political Party after themselves. Jean-Pierre Van Rossem founded the ROSSEM party in 1991.
Van Rossem has passed away at the age of 73
He was 199 days after his birthday:
199 is the 46th Prime number
Date of death: 1+2 + 1+4 + (20) + (18) = 46
He died exactly 46 weeks after January 26th or 1/26
“Van Rossem” = 126 (Ordinal)
In Jewish gematria, sacrifice sums to 206
He died 20 weeks, 6 days after Belgium’s Independence Day, which is July 21st, but was celebrated on July 22nd this year:
July 22nd is written 22/7 in Belgium. In the alphabetic order, his full name sums to 227
227 is related to the eclipse crucifixion code
In the Reverse order, his name sums to 286
From this, we can get one date – 28/6, or June 28th. He died 169 days after that date, matching his first name in the same cipher, as well as the Ordinal value of his political party:
169 is 13 squared
Kill Code
The date he died had 17, 44, and 64 numerology:
The word killing sums to 74
He died 74 days after the date 10/01

In Reverse and Jewish, killing sums to 115, syncing up with Jean-Pierre’s Reverse Reduction value:
He died 115 days after the anniversary of the most recent total eclipse
Van Rossem died in his home country of Belgium