White Kids in Wisconsin Give Nazi Salute?
This story is meant to stroke fears of racism and hatred. The mainstream media is literally at war with the people of this world, and their number one goal is to stir division among the masses.
This story was originally published on Monday, a date with full numerology of 61
There are 61 kids in the photo above.
The video CNN gave us is 3:09 in length:
The 39th Prime number is 167
Wisconsin was 167 days after its date of statehood:
Nazi shares 58 gematria with Baraboo, WI
Baraboo’s area code is 608
Baraboo’s coordinates sync up with both Sieg heil and sieg heil salute
The photo was taken by a man named Peter Gust
The 22nd Triangular number is 253, matching the gematria of the city in which the photo was taken:
Wisconsin was founded on a date with 55 numerology:
The word Nazi sums to 550
In Reverse Ordinal, Wisconsin sums to 118