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Marvel Legend Stan Lee Dead @ 95

His death falls on a date with Full numerology of 61(11) + (12) + (20) + (18) = 61

"Marvel Comics" = 61 (Single Reduction)

61 is the 18th Prime number

"Stan" = 18 (Single Reduction)

Today has Standard numerology of 41(11) + (12) + (18) = 41

"Stan Lee" = 41 (Reverse Full Reduction)

41 is the 13th Prime number"Lee" = 13 (Full Reduction)
91 is the 13th Triangular number

"MARVEL" = 91 (Reverse Ordinal)

Stan Lee was 95 years old

"Comic" = 95 (Jewish)

Last year, he lost his wife at the same age. They died a span of 1 year, 130 (or 4 months, 7) days apart:
1 Year, 130 Days   1 Year, 4 Months, 7 Days

Stan Lee is short for Stanley Lieber

"Stan Lee" = 113 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Stanley Lieber" = 147 (English Ordinal)

147 is a significant number

"Freemason" = 147 (Reverse Ordinal)"Numerical" = 147 (Reverse Ordinal)"Knowledge" = 147 (Reverse Ordinal) "Conspiracy" = 147 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Masonic sacrifice" = 147 (English Ordinal)

448 DaysThis masonic sacrifice was also an eclipse sacrifice. It falls exactly 448 days after the Great American total eclipse:

"Eclipse sacrifice" = 448 (English Extended)

MARVEL is stylized in all caps.

"MARVEL" = 227 (Francis Bacon)

"ליקוי מלא (Total eclipse)" = 227 (Hebrew Gematria)

227 is a highly-significant number, tied to the eclipse crucifixion code

"Eclipse crucifixion code" = 227 (English Ordinal)"Jesus' crucifixion" = 227 (Reverse Ordinal)

This code is important to the secret societies ruling the world, operating through ritual and symbolism

"Ritual and symbolism" = 227 (English Ordinal)

"The Society of Jesus" = 227 (Jewish Ordinal)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 227 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Freemason" = 96 (English Ordinal)

"Stanley Martin Lieber" = 96 (Single Reduction)

Stan Lee died 46 days before his 96th birthday:46 Days

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)"רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

"Superhero" = 46 (Reverse Full Reduction)

This probably has something to do with the fact that comic books has matching gematria with both Masonry and Scottish Rite

Comic Books = Masonry and Scottish Rite in two base methods each

"Comic books" = 316 (Primes)

His death falls on the 316th day of the year:

Kill Code

Stan Lee died at 1150 months old, 10 months, 15 days after his birthday:
10 Months, 15 Days   1150 Months

"Killing" = 115 in Reverse Ordinal and Jewish

The Lees even had a baby die just three days after delivery named Jan Lee

"Jan Lee" = 115 (Reverse Ordinal)

In Ordinal, killing sums to 74

"Killing" = 74 (English Ordinal)

He died 70 weeks, 4 days after his wife:70 Weeks, 4 Days

"Marvel Comics" = 74 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Total solar eclipse" = 704 (Jewish)

His wife’s death was on the 187th day of the year:

Lee’s initials sum to 44

"SML" = 44 (English Ordinal)

"Kill" = 44 (English Ordinal)

His death falls exactly 64 weeks after the eclipse:64 Weeks, 0 Days

"Kill" = 64 (Reverse Ordinal)

This is also months, 22 days after the  eclipse’s anniversary:2 Months, 22 Days

"Eclipse" = 222 (English Extended)

"Stanley Martin Lieber" = 222 (English Ordinal)

Headline Gematria

Number Calculation reduced"Stan Lee, Marvel Comics visionary, dead at 95" = 390 (English Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 39 (Septenary)

"Stan Lee, Marvel Comics visionary, dead at 95" = 223 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Masonic" = 223 (Jewish)

They code 156 into the headline as well, probably for a couple of reasons.

"Stan Lee, Marvel Comics visionary, dead at 95" = 156 (Full Reduction)

The 33rd Prime number is 137

"Stanley Martin Lieber" = 1037 (Jewish)

156 is also the gematria of six six six

"Six six six" = 156 (English Ordinal) "Six six six" = 87 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Stanley Martin Lieber" = 87 (Full Reduction)


"Stanley Martin Lieber" = 887 (Satanic)

887 is the 154th Prime number

"Ritual sacrifice" = 154 (English Ordinal)

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