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Emmanuel Macron Rebukes Nationalism

Macron rebukes nationalism as Trump observes Armistice Day

How interesting that nationalism has become the hot topic on Armistice Day

"Nationalism" = 127 (English Ordinal)

"Armistice Day" = 127 (English Ordinal)

127 is the 31st Prime number
Macron and Trump were born 31 years apart:31 Years

Emmanuel Macron is the one who brought it up. He’s 5 weeks, 5 days before his next birthday:5 Weeks, 5 Days

"Armistice Day" = 55 (Full Reduction)

With the S Excepton, Armistice Day sums to 64

"Armistice Day" = 64 (Single Reduction)

"Veterans Day" = 64 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Macron" = 64 (English Ordinal)

Today has Standard numerology of 40(11) + (11) + (18) = 40

The 40th Prime number is 173

"Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron" = 173 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The name Emmanuel sums to 331 in Jewish gematria, a number attributed in the article’s headline:

"Emmanuel" = 331 (Jewish)

"Macron rebukes nationalism as Trump observes Armistice Day" = 3301 (Jewish)

331 is the 67th Prime number

"Freemasonry" = 67 (Single Reduction)

Emmanuel Macron was born 6 months, 7 days after Trump’s birthday:6 Months, 7 Days

Macron said Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.

"Patriotism" = 67 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Freemasonry sums to 58 without the S Exception, matching Emmanuel Macron

"Freemasonry" = 58 (Full Reduction)

"Emmanuel Macron" = 58 (Full Reduction)

France = 47, 29, 115, 34, Masonic = 74, 29, 115, 43

Macron was born in ’77

"Emmanuel Macron" = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)

It’s the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry bringing us our daily news:

"Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 325 (English Ordinal)

Macron is 325 days after his birthday:325 Days

Macron’s birthday had a life lesson number of 57, matching the Reduction gematria of Scottish Rite(12) + (21) + 1+9+7+7

"Scottish Rite" = 57 (Full Reduction)

And his full name in Jewish gematria matches the Trigonal value of Scottish Rite

"Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron" = 1448 (Jewish)

"Scottish Rite" = 1448 (Trigonal)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 448 (English Ordinal)

Macron has been in office for exactly 78 weeks:78 Weeks, 0 Days

"Scottish Rite" = 78 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The word masonic sums to 444

"Masonic" = 444 (English Sumerian)

The 444th Prime number is 3119
Macron and Trump are separated by 31 years, 190 days:31 Years, 190 Days

One more interesting thing about the headline gematria – it sums to both 216 and 612, numbers we know to be significant to the occult. 216 is 6×6×6, and 612 is its inverse.

"Macron rebukes nationalism as Trump observes Armistice Day" = 216 (Full Reduction)

"Macron rebukes nationalism as Trump observes Armistice Day" = 612 (English Ordinal)

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