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Steph Curry to Produce Charleston Shooting Documentary

Stephen Curry Named Executive Producer on Charleston Church Shooting Documentary

"Stephen Curry named Executive Producer on Charleston Church Shooting documentary" = 1043 (Reverse Ordinal)

"מעגל (Circle)" = 143 (Hebrew Gematria)

The mathematics of the circle are resolved with Pi, or 3.14. Stephen Curry was born on 3/14 in the year ’88, the first-ever officially-recognized Pi Day.

"Executive producer" = 88 (Full Reduction)

A professional basketball player is producing a documentary on a false flag mass shooting? Yeah, that makes sense.

This announcement comes 134 days before Steph Curry’s birthday:134 days

When the shooting occurred in 2015, it was 13 weeks, 4 days after his birthday:13 weeks, 4 days

"Charleston, South Carolina" = 134 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The shooting was on a date with full numerology of 58(6) + (17) + (20) + (15) = 58

The 58th Prime number is 271

"Charleston, South Carolina" = 271 (English Ordinal)

This is the same numerology as the Sandy Hook shooting:(12) + (14) + (20) + (12) = 58

We recently had a mass shooting in Pittsburgh, PA

"Pittsburgh, PA" = 58 (Full Reduction)

"Pittsburgh" = 58 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Fake shooting" = 58 (Full Reduction)

"Freemasonry" = 58 (Full Reduction)"Solomon's Temple" = 58 (Full Reduction) "Secret society" = 58 (Full Reduction) "Rosicrucian" = 58 (Full Reduction) "Rose Cross" = 58 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Dylann Storm Roof, the man convicted of the Charleston shooting, was born on the 93rd day of the year:

93 is a number strongly-associated with Christianity.

Dylann Storm Roof has all sorts of matching gematria with Jesus Christ

"Dylann Storm Roof" = 74 (Full Reduction)

"Jesus" = 74 (English Ordinal)

Steph Curry was born on the 74th day of a leap year:

"Dylann Roof" = 1051 (English Extended)

"Jesus Christ" = 151 (English Ordinal)

"Dylann Roof" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Jesus Christ" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

One of the most famous Bible verses about Jesus is John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

"ישו (Jesus)" = 316 (Hebrew Gematria)

Including the end date, Dylann Roof was born exactly 316 weeks after Steph Curry:
316 Weeks, 0 Days

Curry’s date of birth had a life lesson number of 43 and Reduced numerology of 34(3) + (14) + 1+9+8+8 = 43 & 3 + 1+4 + 1+9+8+8 = 34

"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Full Reduction)

"Jesus" = 34 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Today is 1233 days since the shooting:1233 Days

The 33rd Prime number is 137

It’s been 137 days since the shooting’s third anniversary:137 Days

Masonry, Police, Secrecy, Order, and False Flag all sum to 33 in Reduction

Including the end date, it’s been 1234 days since the shooting.

"Thirty-three" = 1234 (Reverse Trigonal)

Today leaves 60 days in the year:

"Thirty-three" = 60 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Stephen Curry is 33 weeks after his last birthday, and 133 days before his next:
33 Weeks   133 Days

"Stephen" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Dylann Storm Roof is a span of 30 weeks, 3 days after his birthday:30 Weeks, 3 Days

Thirty-three has the same gematria as the state of the shooting:

"South Carolina" = 156 (English Ordinal)

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