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Field of Dreams (1989)

The film Field of Dreams is based on a book called Shoeless Joe by author W.P. Kinsella

"WP Kinsella - Shoeless Joe" = 254 (English Ordinal)

Field of Dreams was released on April 21st, the date leaving 254 days in the year:

April 21st falls 331 days after W.P. Kinsella’s birthday:331 Days

The inverse of 331 is 133 – a very significant numerical pairing.

"One hundred thirty-three" = 1331 (Jewish) "Three hundred thirty-one" = 1331 (Jewish)

In the Reverse order, Kinsella sums to 133

"Kinsella" = 133 (Reverse Ordinal)

The film has a lot to do with the 1919 Chicago Black Sox scandal

"Chicago Black Sox" = 133 (English Ordinal)

It was released on a date with full numerology of 133(4) + (21) + (19) + (89) = 133

This date was a span of 13 weeks, 3 days after lead actor Kevin Costner‘s birthday…13 Weeks, 3 Days

…And 13 weeks, 3 days after co-star James Earl Jones‘s birthday:13 Weeks, 3 Days

The original book, Shoeless Joe, is based on former Black Sox player Shoeless Joe Jackson

"Shoeless Joe Jackson" = 1807 (Jewish)

Field of Dreams was directed by Phil Alden Robinson

"Phil Alden Robinson" = 187 (English Ordinal)

Field of Dreams was released on a date with Reduced numerology of 344 + 2+1 + 1+9+8+9 = 34

This was a span of 3 months, 4 days after Kevin Costner’s 34th birthday:34 Years, 3 Months, 4 Days

His main co-star, James Earl Jones, was in his last day of his 3040th week since birth, and he was 3 months, 4 days after his birthday:
3040 Weeks, 0 Days   3 Months, 4 Days

"Costner" = 94 (English Ordinal)

The film came out on Costner‘s 94th day since his birthday, and 94 days after James Earl Jones’s birthday on the 21st of April:
94 Days   94 Days

"Twenty-first of April" = 94 (Full Reduction)

The lead role in Field of Dreams is played by Kevin Costner, who goes to the Red Sox home field to watch a game in the movie. He later builds a baseball diamond after seeing “Shoeless” Joe Jackson in his field.

"Field of Dreams" = 310 (Jewish)

"Costner" = 31 (Full Reduction)

"Red Sox" = 31 (Full Reduction)

"Joe Jackson" = 31 (Full Reduction)

The 31st Prime number is 127
Costner’s character is named Ray Kinsella

"Ray Kinsella" = 127 (English Ordinal)

The film came out 10 months, 27 days after W.P. Kinsella’s birthday:10 Months, 27 Days

In the film, Ray Kinsella goes to Fenway Park to watch the Boston Red Sox

"Ray Kinsella" = 170 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Boston Red Sox" = 170 (English Ordinal)

Ray Kinsella also has 33 gematria. The film came out 3 months, 3 days after the birthday of Kevin Costner:3 Months, 3 Days

"Ray Kinsella" = 33 (Septenary)

The film was released on a date with 52 numerology:(4) + (21) + 1+9+8+9 = 52

"Kinsella" = 52 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The film was released on the 111th day of the year:

"James Jones" = 111 (English Ordinal)

Jones = 63 & 72, Field of Dreams = 63, 72, and 117, Major League Baseball = 63 & 117

James Earl Jones was born on the date 1/17
Internationally, January 17th is written 17/1

"Baseball" = 171 (English Extended)

Kevin Costner, meanwhile, was born on January 18th, the 18th day of the year:

"Baseball" = 18 (Full Reduction)

The movie came out on a date with standard numerology of 114(4) + (21) + (89) = 114

"Major League Baseball" = 1140 (Jewish)

The date the film was released had Tiny numerology of 244 + 2+1 + 8+9 = 24

"Dreams" = 24 (Full Reduction)

"Black Sox" = 24 (Full Reduction)

There are almost exactly 24 years separating the birthdays of the two lead actors, Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones:24 Years

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