Kanye West Meets With Donald Trump
Back in February of 2017, we got news about this crucifix statue of Kanye Omari West
This statue was in Hollywood, California
The elite are using Kanye West as a living, breathing, numerical representation of a modern-day Jesus Christ, who was crucified at age 33
Kanye’s songs were pulled from the radio on May 3rd earlier this year, the 123rd day of the year:
He was born in ’77
In Latin (Jewish) gematria, Kanye West sums to 1551

In the alphabetic order, Jesus Christ sums to 151
The statue in Hollywood appeared a span of 15 weeks, 1 day before his birthday:
Earlier this year, Kanye West had his songs pulled from a radio station in Detroit. The station was 105.1 The Bounce
151 is the 36th Prime number
Kanye West was 36 days before his birthday:
Today, he met with Donald Trump in the Oval Office:
He’s exactly 15100 days old:
Today has full numerology of 59
It has numerology of both 32 and 41
It has Reduced numerology of 14
The 14th Prime number is 43
Jim Brown also appeared at the White House with Rapper Kanye West
This story was 209 days after Jim Brown was in the news for losing his dog:
The date of that story was March 16th, written 3/16
Today’s date is October 11th, written 10/11 or 11/10
There are 111 days between the birthdays of Kanye West and James Nathaniel Brown
Anything 111 in Ordinal gematria sums to 666 in English Sumerian
When you pair the two visitors’ gematria, it sums to 227 in the alphabetic order.