Christine Blasey Ford to Testify Against Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh was born on February 12th, written 2/12
The accusations of attempted rape were made public on September 16th, which is 21 weeks, 2 days before Kavanaugh’s 54th birthday:
Kavanaugh’s name has gematria of 1331 in multiple methods. See how that and more of his numerology reflects that of a total solar eclipse.
Ford’s allegations against him surfaced a span of exactly 56 weeks after the 2017 Great American total solar eclipse:
In Hebrew gematria, total eclipse has a value of 227
His accuser’s full name is Christine Margaret Blasey Ford
56 weeks is also 12 months, 27 days:
They have more matching numbers:
151 is the 36th Prime number. September 16th was a date with 36 numerology:
September 16th is written internationally as 16/9
169 is 13×13
1313 is a number related to the divine feminine
13 is the 6th Prime number
Her name has double gematria of 136 using the Jewish order
Her date of birth is missing, but she was born in ’67
Remember, 113 is the mainstream’s favorite number of deception:
The headline had gematria of 444
It’s the 33rd degree of Masonry that is supposedly the highest.