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Golfer Tadd Fujikawa Comes Out as Gay

Golfer Tadd Fujikawa Comes out as Gay; 1st Male Professional to Do So

This news about Tadd Fujikawa falls on a date with 39 numerology

"Tadd Fujikawa" = 39 (Full Reduction)

(9) + (12) + (18) = 39

"Gay golfer" = 39 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Homosexuality has everything to do with the number 33

"Gay" = 33 (English Ordinal)

"AIDS" = 33 (English Ordinal)

"Sex" = 33 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 33rd Prime number is 137

"Homosexual" = 137 (Reverse Ordinal)

Even the pejorative term for gay people, fag, has all sorts of connections to 33"Fags" = 33 (English Ordinal)"Faggots" = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)"Gay fags" = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)

When written out, thirty-three sums to 156

"Tadd Fujikawa" = 1056 (English Extended)

He’s from Hawaii, one of just 3 states with 33 gematria in Reduction

"Hawaii" = 33 (Full Reduction)

In Trigonal gematria, the word thirty-three sums to 1444

"Thirty-three" = 1444 (Trigonal)

On the date of this announcement, Tadd Fujikawa is 1444 weeks old1444 Weeks

"Tadd Fujikawa" = 213 (Reverse Ordinal)213 days is 30 weeks, 3 days

Check out Fujikawa’s birthday. It’s January 8, the date that leaves 357 days in the year

357 ÷ 3 = 119
119 is a highly-significant number to the Judeo-Masonic order running the Catholic Church, our mainstream media, pro sports, and pushing the LGBTQ agenda.

"Star of David" = 119 (English Ordinal)"All-seeing eye" = 119 (English Ordinal)"Orthodox" = 119 (English Ordinal)"Saturn" = 119 (Francis Bacon)

Fujikawa’s birthday also had 119 numerology(1) + (8) + (19) + (91) = 119

And on the date of the news, he’s exactly 10109 days old:10109 Days

And he’s a span of 119 days before his birthday:119 Days

Remember earlier this year when Patrick Reed won the Masters? He was 10109 days old on that date.


Tadd was also born on a date with 29 numerology1 + 8 + 1+9+9+1 = 29

"Tadd" = 29 (English Ordinal)

29 squared is 841, syncing up with the gematria of the headline

"Golfer Tadd Fujikawa Comes out as Gay; 1st Male Professional to Do So" = 841 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Tadd Fujikawa" = 111 (English Ordinal)"Comes out" = 111 (English Ordinal)"Came out" = 111 (Reverse Ordinal)

Fujikawa announced he would turn pro on July 12th, 2007, exactly 134 months prior to this news:134 Months, 0 Days

"Fujikawa" = 134 (Reverse Ordinal)

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