Kardashian Meeting with Kushner at White House
It’s odd that I’m linking to Vanity Fair in regards to a meeting at the White House. But this is where we’re at here in 2018 – there is literally no line any longer between Reality Television and Politics.
Today, Kim Kardashian will be meeting with Jared Kushner in hopes of getting a pardon for Alice Johnson (whose last name has the son hoax code), who is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for a first-time drug offense.
Alice Johnson is said to be 62 years old – but it’s just news by the numbers.
The 62nd prime number is 293
Why else might Kardashian and Kushner be involved in the same news story? First, check out the length of time between their birthdays – 9 months, 11 days:

The headline written by Vanity Fair re-affirms this 911 connection:
Simply turn these numbers upside-down…
911 is not just connected to the date September 11th, although that’s an important part of it. September 11th is the 254th day of the year. “Time” and “Light” both = 254 (EE)
Additionally, the word for “Time” = 119 in Yiddish. In Hebrew, the keeper of time, “Saturn” = 713, which is the 9th prime number multiplied by the 11th prime number.
The meeting falls exactly 144 days before Kim Kardashian’s upcoming birthday this October:
144‘s Sum of Divisors is 403
The only other number whose Sum of Divisors equals 403 is 225
This is another significant number – see link for more
Measuring to Jared Kushner’s upcoming birthday, we find it’s exactly 225 days:
Perhaps the most significant cycle of time is the Metonic cycle, a period of 235 synodic months that syncs up with 19 solar years.
He’s meeting up with Kardashian on a date with 19 numerology
The 19th prime number is 67
Today’s date is May 30th, written 5/30. Kushner’s Reduction gematria syncs with this number and today’s date numerology.
He’s meeting with Kim on the 150th day of the year