King James VI and I of Scotland
King James VI and I (Wikipedia)
The life of King James is no doubt, a very interesting one. His father was murdered less than a year after he was born, and after his mother was forced to abdicate the throne, he became King of Scotland at the age of just 13 months. This should really be the only clue you need that his life and reign as king were ritualistic from the start.
King James is significantly-coded around the numbers of the Moon and total eclipses of his time. Let’s dive right in…
In Hebrew, the word for “The Moon” sums to 223. This is a tribute to the Saros cycle, which allows us to predict solar or lunar eclipses.
For 22 years, James was the ruler of 3 different kingdoms. This reign lasted for exactly 22 years, 3 days, up until his death, which was 2 months, 23 days before his birthday.
223 is the 48th prime number. The King James Bible would first be published 48 days before his birthday. The Latin name for the Moon, “Luna” = 48 (O)
Altogether, his reign as the King of Scotland lasted over 57 years
In Jewish gematria, Moon sums to 170
King James was born on June 19th, which is the 170th day of the year:
If you add the word “The” in front, which specifically refers to Earth’s moon, you get a value of 283. This is similar, in numerology, to the Hebrew gematria of “James VI / James I”
In traditional Hebrew gematria, his name as listed sums to 1433, which is the 227th prime number. This leads us to total solar eclipses, which his birth and death are coded around.

The 156th prime number is 911
13 is a significant number in regards to the Moon. Just like “Masonry”, which will of course be of primary focus in this post, the word “Moon” begins with the 13th letter. The Moon completes 13 lunar phases every few years.
“Thirteen” = 99 (O) | “The Moon” = 99 (RO)
Jewish gematria, which is based in the Latin order, was the dominant cipher of the time. This mainstream documentary recognizes a cipher similar to Jewish Ordinal that’s based in Latin at the 10:50 mark. Both ciphers produce the value of 130 for “total eclipse”, the most significant event involving the Moon.
King James was born on June 19th, 1566. The most recent total solar eclipse had occurred on May 29th, 1565. Measuring between those dates:
Measuring instead from the birth of King James to the next total solar eclipse on October 2nd, 1567:
King James died on March 27th, 1625. Measuring from that date to the next total solar eclipse, which fell on February 26th, 1626:
257 is the 55th prime number
The first total solar eclipse to have occurred during King James’s lifetime, which was in the year ’67, fell just a day past 67 weeks after he was born. This is also exactly 470 days. “Total eclipse” = 47 (R)
The most recent total solar eclipse to have occurred before James’s death was on March 8th, 1625. The date is written internationally as 8/3, and is the 67th day of the year.
67 is the 19th prime number. Measuring from this eclipse to the death of King James gives us exactly 19 days:
There are 19 years in the Metonic cycle, which is one of the two ultra-significant cycles of time (along with the Saros cycle) that are related to the Moon. Consider the Jewish gematria of 1331, which is the number that represents a total solar eclipse. In fact, King James became a Freemason 133 weeks, 1 day before the total eclipse of 1603.
On the date King James became King James I of England, thus uniting the Scottish and British crowns for the first time, he had just begun his 1919th week since he was born:
The unification occurred on the 83rd day of the year, bringing us back to the above Hebrew values for “Total eclipse” and “Solar eclipse”
There’s a wide number of additional connections you can make between the name of King James, no matter how it’s written, with the moon and eclipses.
2:02 on a clock is 122 minutes
The 148th prime number is 857, which is a highly-significant number in relation to additional moon cycles. See more on the significance of 857