83 Year-Old Murderer on Death Row in Alabama
This 83 year-old murderer‘s name is Walter Leroy Moody
Today has a life lesson number of 34
There’s a lot of suspicious things about this guy’s gematria. First of all, his name has matching 666‘s in Reverse Primes with “death penalty”. The location of the biggest murder he committed was in Birmingham, Alabama:
He also has a couple of connections to our primary hoax code, 33, starting with his initials
“Executed” = 33 (R)
In the alphabetic order, his full name sums to 226, a number which is closely-connected to 33
“Thirty-three” = 156 (O) | 141 (RO)
In ’91, he was convicted of killing Judge Robert Vance and Robert Robinson:
So all in the news in the same day:The Spurs even scored 193 points in their first two games before their coach’s wife died. 193 is the 44th prime number.
“Execution” = 44 (R)
“Walter” = 38 (RR)
The 38th prime number is 163. Moody’s name is 16 letters, 3 words
Again looking at the gematria of Birmingham, Alabama:
“Birmingham, Alabama” = 332 (EE)
“Birmingham, Alabama” = 272 (Jewish)
“Birmingham, Alabama” = 71 (R)
“Walter Leroy Moody” = 71 (JR)
“Birmingham, AL” = 62 (R) | 73 (RR) | 107 (O)
“Walter Moody” = 151 (O) | 146 (RO)
“Jesus Christ” = 151 (O) | 146 (RO)
“Walter Leroy” = 55 (R) | 62 (RR) | 154 (O)