Package Explosions in Austin, Texas
As with most events, there appears to be numerical connections to the eclipse. Let’s examine the “coincidences” for this date, March 12th, 2018.
Today has a life lesson number of 26 and numerology of 44
It’s been exactly 29 weeks after the first eclipse
The Synagogue of Satan is first mentioned in Revelation 2:9
Austin, Texas was Incorporated on the date December 27th, 1839, meaning it’s exactly 290 days until their birthday
Today has 33 numerology:
Austin was founded on a date with 33/39/69 numerology:
In gematria, “Total eclipse” is related to Saturn through 713
713 factors to 23 × 31, the 11th prime times the 9th prime
A re-shuffling of 713 is 137
137 is the 33rd prime number
The inverse of 713 is 317
It’s exactly 317 weeks until the second Great American total solar eclipse
317 is the 66th prime number
Austin’s police chief is:
Texas is the first U.S. state in which totality will be seen for the next American eclipse:
And Austin will indeed be (barely) within the path of totality:
That eclipse is also 72 months, 27 days away:
The two deaths are both African-Americans.
289 is 17 × 17. Freemasonry was founded in 1717, completely by the numbers of total solar eclipses of the era. One of the people killed is 17 years old. The 17th triangular number is 153
Learn why 17 is so heavily-coded into killing rituals.
The other man who is said to have died was 39.
The two main hoax words are the man and the son. The person responsible for giving us our news about this event is Austin Police Chief Brian Manley.
The Mayor of Austin was sworn in on January 6th, 2015. Measuring from that date:
When rotated, these numbers make up the same digits from the date 9/11/01.
The mayor’s birthday is March 23rd, written 3/23. Check out his age on today’s date:
That’s a lot of 3‘s. “Three” has the Double E, a reverse 33, and is a miniature hoax code itself. It was 3 packages that have exploded. If you’re doubting the Double E hoax code, Google the address for David Koresh’s Branch Davidian compound.
The mayor’s full name is:
He was born on the 83rd day of a leap year, on a date with 83 numerology:
On the date of the first blast, the mayor was 3232 weeks old:
The 32nd prime number is 131. If you add up the three given ages of the casualties…17+75+39 = 131
Today is the 71st day of the year
Measuring from the Jesuit Order’s birthday:
So far, one victim has been identified. Nice-looking fellow:
14 Words, 88 Precepts
So…how did CNN code the headline?

This story is all about some more order out of chaos