March 9th Pathway Home Shooting – Yountville, CA
This shooting occurred on the date March 9th, written 9/3 in most parts of the world.
The shooting occurred at “Pathway Home”, a retirement home in Yountville, California.
The first photo in the article is of one of the alleged victims. It comes from “PsychArmor Institute”
The founder of the organization is named Marjorie Morrison
Of course, the name Marjorie stirs memories of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the high school that is said to have occurred last month. Not to mention her M.M. initials. Turn them sideways and you get the primary hoax code, 33.
The other main numerical hoax code is 13. See why
The first victim shown is named Jennifer Gonzales
The shooter’s name is out. Are they serious?
March 9th was the 68th day of the year
The shooting resulted in a hostage situation
March 9th leaves 297 days in the year
Another look at the first victim shown, whose full name is Jennifer Gonzales. Her last name = 99, and 9×9 = 81
The second victim shown is named Christine Loeber
The final victim’s name is Jennifer Golick. Not only another Jennifer, but Golick? Like, go lick my balls? No fake news story is complete without childish sexual innuendo.
The three victims’ names sum to 666 in the English Qabalah
“Ritual Sacrifice” = 212 (ALW & KFW Kabbalah)
There were 1,888 days between the Sandy Hook and Stoneman Douglas shootings. Their names have strong ties to “Freemason” in English gematria.
It was exactly 48 weeks after governor Jerry Brown’s birthday, and a span of 4 weeks, 2 days before his next. This also means it was 11 months, 3 days after his birthday. 113 is the number of mainstream deception
Yountville, California was incorporated on February 4th, written 4/2 internationally.
The 59th prime number is 277
Measuring from Yountville’s date of incorporation in 1965:
Freemasonry turns 301 in June. Check out Yountville’s estimated population:

The town’s age also converts to:
19391 is like 193 mirrored over itself. 193 is the 44th prime number.
Check out the 91‘s in governor Jerry Brown’s age:
Remember how “Rick Snyder” = 721, and the Central Michigan shooting was 7 years, 2 months, 1 day after the date he took office? Here’s the duration since Jerry Brown became governor in California (for his second term):