The Numerology of the Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Murders
Don Killuminati Album Cover
He died in:
Tupac died on the:
Measuring from this album’s release to what would have been Tupac’s 26th birthday:
His first album, 2Pacalypse Now, was released on the 316th day of the year.
Jesus was crucified at age 33
The 33rd prime number is 137. Tupac died on a date with full numerology of 137
September 13th was the 257th day of the year in 1996, a leap year.
The final album both artists released before they died, All Eyez On Me, and Ready to Die, were released exactly 74 weeks apart.
All Eyes on Me was released 7 months, 4 weeks after Tupac’s birthday
His debut album, 2Pacalypse Now, was released 7 months, 4 days before his birthday
Tupac’s first posthumous release, Don Killuminati, came out 7 weeks, 4 days after he died
The Notorious B.I.G. died a span of 74 days before his birthday.
Tupac and Biggie both died on dates with 38 numerology.

All Eyez on Me and Don Killuminati, the two albums released before and after Tupac’s death, came out exactly 38 weeks apart.
Biggie’s death was also 2 months, 13 days before his birthday
213 is a number heavily-coded into racial propaganda. Tupac and Biggie were both killed in drive-by shootings.
Tupac’s parents were active members of the Black Panther Party, which is in truth, a Masonic organization. In fact, Tupac’s mom was part of the Panther 21 trial in 1971.
In Satanic Gematria,
Tupac was born in East Harlem, New York
His first album was released 21 weeks, 3 days after his birthday
Tupac’s final album before he died was released on 2/13/96. This was exactly 213 days before he died.
The date written 2/13, February 13th, is the 44th day of the year.
February 13th marks the first day of Lupercalia, an ancient holiday celebrated by sacrifice.
The 44th prime number is 193
This syncs up with the date he died:
This number appears over and over when measuring between their deaths and final albums.
Tupac’s last album while he was alive, All Eyez On Me, came out 4 months, 4 days before his birthday.
Notorious B.I.G.’s first posthumous album, Life After Death, was released 44 weeks after his final birthday.
The same album, Life After Death, came out 193 days after Tupac died, 193 the 44th prime
From Tupac’s first posthumous album release, to the date Biggie died, was 4 months, 4 days
Tupac was shot on September 7th, the date written 9/7 or 7/9, in Las Vegas.
“Death” = 97 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Murder” = 79 (English Ordinal)
“Murder” = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)
“September seventh” = 83 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Las Vegas, Nevada” = 83 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Tupac and Biggie were born 340 days apart
Their debut albums came out 34 months apart
Tupac would have been 304 months old when his first posthumous release came out
But he died in Nevada:
The 34th prime number is 139.
Tupac died on September 13th, the date written 13/9.
Biggie’s first album was released on 13/9 two years earlier.
Biggie’s first album after he died, Life After Death, was released on 3/25
Notorious B.I.G. died on the date written 3/9, the same date as a total solar eclipse.
This was 390 days after All Eyez On Me came out
The 39th prime number is 167. Tupac was born on the 167th day of the year.
Biggie was born on the 142nd day of a leap year.
Don Killuminati was released 142 days after Tupac’s last birthday.
142 is also stamped negatively on blacks, due to its relation to 42. Not only because it has the digits 42, but because:
“Nigger” = 42 (Full Reduction)
“Nigger” = 102 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Slavery” = 102 (English Ordinal)
102 days before Tupac died, he released a diss track called Hit ‘Em Up, which is said to have started the East Coast-West Coast hip-hop rivalry.
The date Tupac died started Rosh Hashanah on the Hebrew calendar.
This holiday celebrated the Jewish New Year of 5757
The Jewish calendar combines the solar year with the lunar month. The moon ranges 57 degrees in the sky, meaning it swings five more degrees off the ecliptic than does the sun.
523 is the 99th prime number.
- Tupac’s first album came out on his 9009th day alive
- Biggie died on the 909th day after his first album was released
- All Eyez on Me was released 99 days before Biggie’s birthday
- Biggie died 99 days before what would have been Tupac’s birthday
Tupac’s birthday was June 16th, written 6/16 in the States“Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” = 616 (ALW Kabbalah)
The date Biggie’s career started, and the date Tupac’s life ended, also has intriguing Ordinal gematria:
290 is another number significant to sacrifice:
His real name was:
“Christopher Wallace” = 192 (Jewish Ordinal)
He died in ’97
Is it possible Biggie was sacrificed for a total solar eclipse? Of course – the date of his death, March 9th, 1997, was the first total solar eclipse in over 500 days.
2:02 on a clock is 122 minutes
Biggie died 177 days after Tupac
Tupac died in Nevada. Don Killuminati came out on 11/5