Murder by Numbers – Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka (WWE)
Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka was born on 18-May-1943 and died on 15-Jan-2017 at age 73.
Snuka’s real name at birth was James Wiley Smith. He later changed it to James Reiher Snuka.

He was born on the date that leaves 227 days in the year.
“Total solar eclipse” = 74 / 704 (Jewish Reduced / Jewish)
Measuring from what would have been his 74th birthday his birthday to the August 21st, the date of the 2017 Great Americal total solar eclipse:
This same time span is 13 weeks, 4 days:
Snuka died 218 days before that eclipse.
His death was a little unusual in the sense that he had recently been in the news due to the filing of a manslaughter charge against him just several months prior.
The charge was for killing his girlfriend at the time, Nancy Argentino.
The 38th prime number is 163
191 is the 43rd prime number. Snuka was born in ’43 and died 4 months, 3 days before his birthday.
Snuka died on the date written 1/15
This date also had the fateful 17/44 combination:
Snuka’s cause of death is officially listed as a “Terminal Neurological Illness”.
Pi = 3.14…
“Terminal Neurological Illness” = 1044 (Jewish)
“Time” = 144 (Jewish)
Snuka died 17 weeks, 4 days before his birthday in Pompano Beach, Florida.
This is also 123 days.
His original diagnosis was:
1331 is the ultimate eclipse number