The Gematria of a Courtroom
In astrology, Saturn is not just the keeper of time, but also the upholder of justice. Most people expect justice to be upheld in a courtroom.
Justice is also another word for a judge, who is there to maintain order over the courtroom.
To keep order, the judge uses a gavel to make a loud scary noise
America and its court system are bred from masonic institutions.
The 138th prime number is 787
433 is the 84th prime number
The judge sits on the:
Decisions in court are made by:
Based on:and:
41 is the 13th prime
Given to the:
Which sits above the:
533 is 13 × 41 | 41 is the 13th prime
22 ÷ 7 = 3.14 | More on 227