33-Year-Old Ryan Lochte Suspended for Doping
Ryan Lochte is currently 33 years old. He was born on a date with 33 numerology:
The number 33 is closely-connected to the number 226 through gematria:
33 is the highest (known) degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
In Ordinal, his common name sums to 121
121 is 11×11
Today is 11 days before Lochte’s birthday:
The suspension for this Olympic swimmer will last for fourteen months
Eclipse Riddle?
Lately, I’ve been putting people’s jobs or titles in front of their name and finding lots of relevant numbers. In this case, Lochte might be some sort of riddle relating to the two Great American total solar eclipses. Let’s start with his Reduction and Ordinal gematria:
The two eclipses are 21-Aug-2017 and 08-Apr-2014, meaning they are a span of exactly 2423 days apart
2423 is the 360th prime number, matching the location of this news story:
In that Jewish cipher, solar eclipse sums to 433:
The inverse of 433 is 334, a number found in two primary ciphers:
This story comes exactly 48 weeks after the eclipse.
“Hoax” = 48 (O) | “Propaganda” = 48 (R)
48 is of course a big number in relation to the Moon. “Luna” = 48 (O), and the 48th prime number is 223
This means it’s been 11 months, 2 days since the 2017 eclipse:
It’s also been a span of 101 weeks, 2 days since Lochtegate, an incident in which Lochte and a friend claimed they were robbed in Brazil, which led to a 10-month suspension:
The 2017 Great American eclipse was the first total eclipse to go coast-to-coast over the United States in 99 years.
Lochte’s appearance in Good Morning America after Lochtegate was on August 30th, 2016, meaning it’s been a span of exactly 99 weeks since his appearance:
News of the suspension is coming out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
99 is the average Reduction gematria of Good Morning America (no I’ve never done that):
This number is connected to fake news. Think about how just in the past week, a Ride the Ducks bus crashed 1030 days after a Ride the Ducks bus crashed on a Seattle bridge. A shooting last night in Toronto occurred exactly 13 weeks after the Toronto van attack, and today, a building collapsed in Miami exactly 130 days after a pedestrian bridge collapse in the same metro area.