CNN Compares Nikki Haley to George Costanza
Ugh…really? “Reliable Source” CNN is comparing people to fictional television characters from over 20 years ago? I mean, I probably shouldn’t be surprised by now.
Why make such a juxtaposition on this date? Probably numbers.
George Costanza was played by Jason Alexander, who was born in 59
59 is the 17th Prime number
He’s in his 17th day since his 59th birthday:
17 is a number connected to the Moon in gematria
There are exactly 17 weeks between the birthdays of Nikki Haley and Jason Alexander:
17 weeks is also 119 days, a number I have been consistently revealing to be coded into stories about the divine feminine
Emily Ratajkowski was recently “arrested while protesting” = 119 (R) 119 days after her birthday
The 119th Prime number is 653
“Susan Colins” = 653 (J) recently cast the swing vote for Kavanaugh
911 is the 156th Prime number
Alexander was born on the September 23rd, the date that leaves 99 days on the calendar:
Alexander’s real name is Jay Greenspan
His character’s name is George Costanza
The Moon ranges 57 degrees around the equator.
He also has Reduced birth numerology of 38
The most significant cycle of time is…you guessed it, the Metonic cycle, which is a period of 19 years.
Those 19 years sync up with 235 synodic months. Quite often, we get a lunar eclipse 235 lunar phases apart from one another.
In Jewish gematria, his name sums to 1237
1237 is the 203rd Prime number
Measuring from the date of the last total lunar eclipse to the date of this story is 2 months, 12 days:
His real name is Jay Scott Greenspan