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Legendary FB Jim Taylor Dies @ 83

James Charles Taylor died on October thirteenth

"James Charles Taylor" = 205 (English Ordinal)

"October thirteenth" = 205 (English Ordinal)

"James Charles Taylor" = 88 (Single Reduction)"October thirteenth" = 88 (Single Reduction)

October 13th is the date that leaves 79 days in the year

"Murder" = 79 (English Ordinal)

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)

Jim Taylor was born on a date with 83 numerology(9) + (20) + (19) + (35) = 83

He has passed away at age 83

83 is the 23rd Prime number
Taylor died 23 days after his 83rd birthday83 Years, 23 Days

"Football" = 83 (English Ordinal)

"Fullback" = 23 (Full Reduction)

Taylor’s date of birth also has double numerology of 299 + 2+0 + 1+9+3+5 = 29(9) + (20) = 29

"Football" = 29 (Full Reduction)

Taylor played for Green Bay for all but one of his professional seasons.

"James Taylor" = 139 (English Ordinal)"Green Bay" = 139 (Reverse Ordinal)

139 is the 34th Prime number
Taylor died on a date with a life lesson number of 34(10) + (13) + 2+0+1+8 = 34

The date he died was his 30340th:30340 Days

Taylor’s first season in Green Bay was the year after the Packers began playing at Lambeau Field

"Lambeau Field" = 433 (English Extended)

433 is the 84th Prime number

"The Green Bay Packers" = 84 (Full Reduction)"Green Bay Packers" = 84 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Masonry" = 84 (Reverse Ordinal)

The Freemasonic emblem has the Capital G, just like the Packers’ logo.

"Freemasonry" = 139 (English Ordinal)"Green Bay" = 139 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 33rd degree is the highest of Scottish Rite masonry
In Reduction, Masonry sums to 33

"Masonry" = 33 (Full Reduction)"G" = 33 (Francis Bacon)

Taylor died a span of 3 weeks, 3 days into his 84th year:3 Weeks, 3 Days

"James" = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)

33 is part of the eclipse crucifixion code
Jesus was crucified at age 33

"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal) "Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (Jewish Ordinal)

In Reduction, this sums to 123

"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 123 (Full Reduction)

"Jim Taylor" = 123 (English Ordinal)

"James Charles Taylor" = 1230 (English Sumerian)

The date he died had 43 and 61 numerology1+0 + 1+3 + (20) + (18) = 43(10) + (13) + (20) + (18) = 61

"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Full Reduction)

"Jesus" = 61 (Reverse Ordinal)

Also 32 and 41 numerologies…(10) + (13) + 1+8 = 32(10) + (13) + (18) = 41

"Christ" = 32 (Full Reduction) "Christ" = 41 (Single Reduction)

"Green Bay" = 41 (Full Reduction)

Could this death be related to baseball? The Milwaukee Brewers, one of the other major professional sports teams from Wisconsin, are currently playing in the National League Championship Series.

This upcoming World Series is the 114th in history

"Milwaukee Brewers" = 1140 (English Sumerian)

"Major League Baseball" = 1140 (Jewish)

"Jim Taylor" = 1140 (English Extended)

Milwaukee has not won a World Series since ’57, the same year their current owner was born.

"World Series" = 57 (Full Reduction)

"Jim Taylor" = 57 (Reverse Full Reduction)

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