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All That Remains Guitarist Oli Herbert Dead @ 44

All That Remains Guitarist Oli Herbert Dead at 44

Today is a date with full numerology of 65, fitting for the death of a guitarist(10) + (17) + (20) + (18) = 65

"Guitarist" = 65 (Reverse Full Reduction)

This death is a ritual in relation to the number 13

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 103 (Single Reduction)

"Human sacrifice" = 130 (English Ordinal)

When you write out the number 13, you get three different numbers:Thirteen = 99, 117, and 45 in both Reduction methods

"Oli" = 99 (English Extended)

Oli died 99 days into his 45th year:99 Days

The date he died had 45 numerology:(10) + (17) + (18) = 45

"Oli" = 45 (Reverse Ordinal)

In Reverse, thirteen sums to 117
The date of his death was October 17th, written 10/17

"All That Remains" = 117 (Reverse Single Reduction EP)

Today also has a life lesson number of 38(10) + (17) + 2+0+1+8 = 38

Death, Killing, Murder, and RIP all sum to 38 in one of the base ciphers

He died exactly 38 weeks before his next birthday:38 Weeks, 0 Days

Both his dates of birth and death have numerology of 477 + 1+0 + (20) + (19) = 471+0 + 1+7 + (20) + (18) = 47 "Killing" = 47 (Full Reduction KV)
The 47th Prime number is 211

"Killing" = 211 (Primes)

In Jewish gematria, the word kill sums to 59"Kill" = 59 (Jewish)

The 59th Prime number is 277

"All That Remains Guitarist" = 277 (English Ordinal)"Guitarist Oli Herbert" = 277 (Reverse Ordinal)

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