Emmanuel Macron Rebukes Nationalism
How interesting that nationalism has become the hot topic on Armistice Day
127 is the 31st Prime number
Macron and Trump were born 31 years apart:
Emmanuel Macron is the one who brought it up. He’s 5 weeks, 5 days before his next birthday:
With the S Excepton, Armistice Day sums to 64
Today has Standard numerology of 40
The 40th Prime number is 173
The name Emmanuel sums to 331 in Jewish gematria, a number attributed in the article’s headline:
331 is the 67th Prime number
Emmanuel Macron was born 6 months, 7 days after Trump’s birthday:
Macron said Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.
Freemasonry sums to 58 without the S Exception, matching Emmanuel Macron
Macron was born in ’77
It’s the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry bringing us our daily news:
Macron is 325 days after his birthday:
Macron’s birthday had a life lesson number of 57, matching the Reduction gematria of Scottish Rite
And his full name in Jewish gematria matches the Trigonal value of Scottish Rite
Macron has been in office for exactly 78 weeks:
The word masonic sums to 444
The 444th Prime number is 3119
Macron and Trump are separated by 31 years, 190 days:
One more interesting thing about the headline gematria – it sums to both 216 and 612, numbers we know to be significant to the occult. 216 is 6×6×6, and 612 is its inverse.