Kevin McCarthy Elected House Minority Leader
Kevin McCarthy will be the first Republican House Minority Leader under Donald Trump, who is President #45
The 45th Prime number is 197
On the date he assumes office, McCarthy will be exactly 19700 days old:
House Minority sums to 197 in both primary Kabbalah methods:
Today, the date he was elected, is McCarthy’s 293rd day since his most recent birthday:
293 is the 62nd Prime number
This means it’s a span of 73 (74 w/ end date) days until his next birthday:
Name Matches the Job
The term House Minority Leader has the same Reduction gematria as Pi
Today is a span of 106 days since he assumed the role of House Majority Leader:
In Ordinal, Kevin Owen McCarthy has matching gematria with Pi in Ordinal:
The number 88 in Reverse Reduction is, of course, four circles. In regards to the 83…
The current House Minority Leader is Nancy Pelosi. Her birthday falls 8 weeks, 3 days after McCarthy’s:
The first three digits of Pi are 3.14
Nancy Pelosi is 314 days after her 7th anniversary of assuming office…
…And she’s 233 days after her birthday: