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Missing Argentine Submarine Found

Argentina's missing submarine found a year after it vanished with 44 aboard

It’s said that 44 people were on board this submarine from Argentina

"Argentina" = 44 (Full Reduction)

Today is the date leaving 44 days in the year:

"Kill" = 44 (English Ordinal)

The date has a life lesson number of 39(11) + (17) + 2+0+1+8 = 39

"Submarine" = 39 (Full Reduction)

The President of Argentina is Mauricio Macri. He was born on the 39th day of the year:

He has Full birth numerology of 88(2) + (8) + (19) + (59) = 88

The 88th Prime number is 457

"Submarine" = 457 (Jewish)

Today, President Macri is in the 283rd day of his age:283 Days

"Argentina" = 283 (Jewish)

Numbers of Sacrifice

Argentina has matching gematria with Ritual sacrifice

"Argentina" = 154 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 154 (English Ordinal)

The name of the submarine that went missing was the ARA San Juan

"ARA San Juan" = 1054 (Jewish)

In Reverse, this sums to 170

"ARA San Juan" = 170 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 170 (Reverse Ordinal)

Today has Standard numerology of 46(11) + (17) + (18) = 46

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

Both sacrifice and ritual sacrifice sum to 73

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

The 73rd Prime number is 367

This article about the sub being found comes exactly 367 days after it originally went missing:367 Days

Homicide Code

Today’s date is November 17th, written 11/17

11×17 = 187  |  The 187th Prime number is 1117

Argentina’s President does have 187 gematria in the Kabbalah:

"Mauricio Macri" = 187 (ALW Kabbalah)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 187 (Full Reduction) "Society of Jesus" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal)

187 is the homicide code:10087 Days

"Homicide" = 66 (English Ordinal)

Today’s date has Full numerology of 66131 Days

Argentina celebrates its Independence Day on July 9th, which was 4 months, 8 days ago:4 Months, 8 Days

"Homicide" = 48 (Full Reduction)

The 48th Prime number is 223

This story features a mention of Eliana Maria Krawczyk, who was Argentina’s first female submarine officer.

"Eliana Krawczyk" = 2230 (English Extended)

"Eliana Maria Krawczyk" = 2101 (Jewish)

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 211 (English Ordinal)

Her name has more numbers of death

"Eliana Krawczyk" = 218 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Death" = 218 (English Extended)

"Eliana Krawczyk" = 83 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)

I don’t really know why, but The Beast is coded into her name too.

"Eliana Krawczyk" = 1980 (Jewish)

"Beast" = 198 (Jewish)

"Eliana Maria Krawczyk" = 311 (Reverse Ordinal)

"The Beast" = 311 (Jewish)

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