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Tear Gas Attack at Lil Pump Concert


On the date this story made the news, Lil Pump was in his 6666th day since birth:6666 Days

The date had Reduced numerology of 201+1 + 1+6 + 2+0+1+8 = 20

The 20th Prime number is 71

"Tear gas" = 71 (English Ordinal)

Lil Pump has Ordinal gematria of 99

"Lil Pump" = 99 (English Ordinal)

"Thirteen" = 99 (English Ordinal)

The 13th Triangular number is 91

Lil Pump was 91 days after his birthday and 9 months, 1 day before his next birthday:
91 Days   9 Months, 1 Day

Thirteen has double gematria of 45

"Thirteen" = 45 (Full Reduction) "Thirteen" = 45 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Lil Pump’s most popular hit is Gucci Gang

"Gucci Gang" = 45 (Full Reduction)"Gucci Gang" = 45 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Lil Pump was born on a date with Full numerology of 45(8) + (17) + (20) + (00) = 45

This attack occurred on a date with Standard numerology of 45(11) + (16) + (18) = 45

And it was the date leaving 45 days in the year:

13×13 = 169

The show was played at Rock City in Nottingham, United Kingdom

"Rock City in Nottingham, United Kingdom" = 169 (Full Reduction)

Lil Pump is 18 years old:18 years

The 18th Triangular number is 171

"Gucci Gang" = 171 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Gucci Gang - Lil Pump" = 171 (English Ordinal)

The tear gas attack was in Nottingham, UK

"Nottingham, UK" = 171 (Reverse Ordinal)

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