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Louisiana Governor During Katrina Dies @ 76

Kathleen Blanco (Wikipedia)

Former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco passed away at the age of 76. Later on in this post, we will see how her death aligns with the current Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

"Kathleen" = 76 (English Ordinal)

"John Bel Edwards" = 76 (Reverse Reduction)

She was the Governor of Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Blanco, Katrina, Masonic, and Killing all = 115 in Reverse

"Governor John Bel Edwards" = 115 (Reverse Reduction)

Hurricane Katrina sums to 927, a number of sacrifice

"Hurricane Katrina" = 927 (English Extended)

"Sacrifice" = 927 (Squares)

She died a span of exactly 729 weeks after Hurricane Katrina made landfall:729 Weeks, 0 Days

729 is 27 squared

Ritual = 27 and 45

Blanco passed away on a date with 27 and 45 numerology:8 + 1+8 + 1+9 = 27 & (8) + (18) + (19) = 45

She was exactly 4000 weeks, 5 days old:4000 Weeks, 5 Days

Forty-five and Fifty-four both = 54 & 45 in Reduction

She was Louisiana’s 54th Governor
She died of ocular melanoma

"Ocular melanoma" = 54 (Full Reduction)

Current Governor

Blanco passed away 29 days before the birthday of John Bel Edwards, the current Louisiana Governor:29 Days

"Katrina" = 29 (Full Reduction)

August 18th had 29 numerology:
8 + 1+8 + 2+0+1+9 = 29

Her death on 18/8 fell a span of exactly 188 weeks after Edwards took office:188 Weeks, 0 Days

"Kathleen" = 189 (Jewish)

"John Bel Edwards" = 1809 (Jewish)
Rule of Colel

Their names have another strong connection:

"John Bel Edwards" = 140 (English Ordinal)"Kathleen" = 140 (Reverse Ordinal)

News of her death broke a span of 1317 days after Edwards took office:

"Governor Kathleen Blanco" = 1317 (Jewish)

Eclipse Code

In Hebrew gematria, total eclipse sums to 227, a very significant number in relation to the circle.

"ליקוי מלא (Total eclipse)" = 227 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Eclipse crucifixion code" = 227 (English Ordinal) "Jesus' crucifixion" = 227 (Reverse Ordinal)

Governor Kathleen Blanco sums to 1,227 in English Extended. Blanco means “white” in Spanish, which is noteworthy because in the same cipher, white sums to 722

in English Extended, Governor Kathleen Blanco = 1227, White = 722

Her full name has matching 202 gematria with total solar eclipse

Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and Total solar eclipse both = 202 Ordinal

Blanco died 47 days after the 2019 total eclipse47 Days

Blanco = 47 Ordinal, Total eclipse = 47 Reduction

"Killing" = 47 (Full Reduction KV)


The death of the former Louisiana Governor fell on a date with a Life Lesson number of 38(8) + (18) + 2+0+1+9 = 38

"Louisiana" = 38 (Full Reduction)

Death, Killing, R.I.P. and Murder all = 38

It was 3 months, 19 days after Louisiana’s date of admission to the Union:3 Months, 19 Days

"Kathleen" = 319 (English Extended)"Freemasonic" = 319 (Jewish) "Masonic" = 319 (Satanic) "Killing" = 319 (Satanic)

Hurricane and Blanco both sum to 146

"Hurricane" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Blanco" = 146 (English Extended)

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